A drabble times five, for Fluffy Drabble Day :)
Title: Pretty
Genre: twins gen fluff
Rating: PG
A/N: Inspired by Tom's recent quote, "It's hard to be prettier than Bill." Poor boy would know. *g*
Tom stood in front of the mirror, squinting at his reflection. Another talk show, another crazy fashionista host flailing over Bill, and Tom still didn’t get it. No, his nose wasn’t quite as Grecian as Bill’s, and his forehead was a little too high after years of wearing dreads, but the headbands took care of that and from the front their noses looked almost the same, too.
He leaned in more closely and examined his eyebrows, his cheeks, the line of his jaw. He and Bill had the exact same face shape. The exact same eyes. The exact same mouth. Okay, Tom couldn’t stop chewing his lip no matter how hard he tried to kick the nervous habit, but Bill had imperfect, crooked teeth from sucking on Tom’s fist when they were babies (never his own - Tom had seen the pictures).
“You’re not supposed to pick at your skin, Natalie will have a fit.” Bill skipped into the bathroom and stood next to Tom at the sink, hands on his hips, their eyes meeting in the mirror. Bill wasn’t wearing make-up, so he looked eerily like Tom, but his smile was bright and dazzling. Looking at him, Tom mused, was a little like staring at the sun, the brilliance of it was blinding.
“What are you doing?” Bill asked curiously when Tom kept staring at him, examining every square centimeter of his face. They had matching zits on their chins today. Lovely.
Tom snorted. “Wondering why they all call you beautiful.”
Bill giggled. “Jealous?”
“No,” Tom lied.
“Aw.” Bill nudged him, grinning. “Don’t worry, you’re really pretty too. That’s why I have to try so hard.”
“Haha,” Tom made sarcastically.
“It’s true,” Bill smiled. “I’m lucky you’re not into make-up, otherwise I’d have a problem.” He hummed thoughtfully, reaching out to trace one of Tom’s eyebrows with his fingertip. “I can show you. Just a little eyeliner, imagine how it’d mess with the fans’ heads, epic mindfuck--”
“No, thanks,” Tom cut in. He’d successfully avoided the eyeliner for ten years. Well, except for that one time when he’d been passed out drunk and Bill had gotten him with the mascara, but Tom had burned all the pictures of that so as far as he was concerned, it had never happened.
Bill stood behind him and rested his chin on Tom’s shoulder. “Suit yourself. Look stupid.”
Tom watched his twin stick his tongue out at him in the mirror. Unshaven, with greasy hair and lines under his eyes from a long night of partying, Bill looked no better than he, or any regular guy on the street. It was a secret, comforting truth that was only for Tom to know.
“You look like shit,” he observed cheerfully.
Bill grinned. “I clean up nice.”
“So do I,” Tom said, shrugging. “But we can’t all be beautiful princes.”
Laughing, Bill patted his head. “We could be,” he said, “but if we don’t want to, that’s okay too. We’re pretty enough as is.”