Today, I woke up early super frustrated about the Deficit Reductions Act that my supervisor told us about at work yesterday. I must have had a nightmare about it because I woke up in tears, angry at the stupid federal government
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Ugh, I know, auditors really suck. We've got auditors at work because within the past year, it was discovered an employee embezzled $1 million (it was actually in the news). So, basically, *everything* is scrutinized and if they find that something was improper, the institution has to pay for it instead of the contract for that project, since the project is likely finished. Fortunately, nothing big has happened yet, and we could probably absorb the costs if it did. But terror is increasing the amount of time it takes to get things done and the amount of paperwork period.
It really sucks your organization is in this situation, especially since it's small. It also seems like a conflict of interest to me that the auditor's pay comes out of the amount of money he can determine you guys owe the government.
Getting audited is a huge pain and distraction. Looking at the other side though, it's a tough situation for the auditor as well. I've a couple of friends who work or have worked as auditors and it's a lot of traveling to and working very intensely at organizations that don't really want you there. There's a lot of suspicion and hostility that (understandably) surrounds them, which makes for a somewhat painful job.
Additionally one of my friends worked as a grant-writer at a non-profit that had some significantly fraudulent practices. When people give money to an organization and it doesn't get to services for the members that's taking money away from the poor as well.
Not that I don't think there are plenty of companies on Wall Street that are more appropriate to audit than your place.
Comments 2
It really sucks your organization is in this situation, especially since it's small. It also seems like a conflict of interest to me that the auditor's pay comes out of the amount of money he can determine you guys owe the government.
Additionally one of my friends worked as a grant-writer at a non-profit that had some significantly fraudulent practices. When people give money to an organization and it doesn't get to services for the members that's taking money away from the poor as well.
Not that I don't think there are plenty of companies on Wall Street that are more appropriate to audit than your place.
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