Pellaz (Cevarro/har-Aralis)
Age: 18ish. He was incepted at 15, and once humans become har, their aging slows dramatically. So appearancewise, let's just go with 'young,' maybe seventeen.
Eyes: Brown?
Hair: Dark and long; usually he wears it in a braid.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: I'm always up for crack, so long as there's a reason for the switch.
Hugging/Kissing/Other non-violent physical contact: ...Pell is nowhere near as comfortable with contact as he lets on. If he hasn't touched you first, you might want to hang back. Once he does, it's sort of a signal that he likes you and is comfortable around you, and you can touch/kiss/molest all you want. He likes it. :D
Maim/Murder/Death: Bruising/bleeding/burning are a go, if it's something he can heal on his own. Anything else (breaking, stabbing, anything he would need help or medical attention to heal), RUN BY ME FIRST because I have to check with Cal. No loss of limbs/eyes/appendages, please. And I think death might be a never, for this character, even though I have the iz ded! icon.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him: Anything! He can take it.
Physical traits: 5'5" and Wraeththu, meaning a hermaphrodite. Canon is constantly describing him in feminine terms (beautiful is the one he gets a lot), but he's not really a girly character in mannerism. I stick to canon that he's recognizable as male, but with a tilt of head or in dimmer light, you sort of go, 'ooh. wait.' He's slender and generally small. Three earrings in each ear, I think. In some official pictures he has a nose ring, which they must have put on specifically for Pell because the model is unpierced, but I can't remember if it's canon.
Abilities: . . . mental communication, manipulation of matter (telekinesis, pyrokinesis, later on something like teleporting, etc), and healing. Healing is the big one for Pell. There's a lot more under "Pellaz's Abilities" in my essay
here. He's pretty, but he can fuck you up.
Secrets: Uhm. This is sort of complicated.
Other stuff!
~I took Pell from post-death, pre-rebirth. What does this mean? Well, before his soul is slapped into its new body, it spends about five years wandering around, untethered. So the Pell that's in camp is... not quite Pellaz Cevarro, and not quite Pellaz-har-Aralis. He's something in between, and I'd imagine that his body is a construct from his memory of himself. Or something. In any case, he still has all his piercings and scars. But this means he'll probably feel..... off, to anyone who can sense that sort of thing. He's technically dead, back home, right now. Even though he's very much alive. Make sense? ^_^;;