Sorry I haven't corresponded recently, night shifts are a bitch. Anyway, is this ridiculous idea of a sog fight between Marcus and Terence still going ahead? Have either of you any idea what we can do to stop them injuring themselves or worse? I still can't believe they thought it was a good idea in the first place. How idiotic.
Congratulations on your engagement by the way, Alicia even if your future husband has seriosly bad ideas of what constitutes a hobby.
Thankyou to the various Aurors who swapped shifts with me over the past week. It was most helpful as my father is now stuck with lots of parliamentary work and is too busy to host this ridiculous dinner party.
Mother, however, believes he may instead be arranging some sort of luncheon instead so he can fit the meal in with his breaks. I will love forever anybody who can help me figure a way out of this.