Dropping meme

Oct 21, 2009 21:49

It's totally not bandwagon-hopping if I've been planning to do this for like a month, right? |D I'm also not really using the usual format, but whatever.

Momoko: I've had her for a long time, and occasionally she does feel kind of stale. But most of the time I still enjoy playing her; I love her as a character, and I can kind of antagonize people with her in a way that I can't with any of my others. Which is fun. She does need to get out more and form more relationships, but that really goes for all of them.

Chance of dropping? Medium. I don't want to drop her, but I'm not really in the "must keep at all costs" place with her anymore. If that makes sense.

Maria: She was in a rut for a while, but I feel pretty good about her now. She's been getting out about as regularly as any of them do, I have fun, it's cool. ... Though the recent plot thing reminded me that I still can't write fight threads to save my life. Other than that, though, things are all good in this quarter.

Chance of dropping? Low. My attitudes towards/comfort levels with my characters do change more frequently than a lot of people's do, I think, but at the moment I can't see myself dropping her anywhere in the near future.

Sara: And this is where the maybe-dropping comes in. I love my hackerninja and the ability to just be completely ridiculous with her, but I just don't get her out much (even compared to the others) and she has... what, one relationship left? And she hasn't even threaded with Minato in months. And she really should be better, considering that she's one of my less unfriendly/standoffish/socially fail characters. So...

Chance of dropping? High... ish. If there were an Ever17 dressing room (ha ha, yeah right) or some other kind of low-pressure game I could play her in, I would drop her from CFUD tomorrow. But there isn't, so I can't bring myself to do it just yet because I'd miss playing her.

Shuro: The other one I'm most likely to drop. Again, I really enjoy playing her when I do get her out, but it's not often enough, and she has too few relationships. I think possibly I'm just not cut out to play social characters... though the whole reason why I apped three of them in a row here is because I was sick of playing people who just go :| all the time and are hard to have conversations with. Hurray, lose/lose situations?

Chance of dropping? ... basically see Sara's answer because this is pretty much the same. I go back and forth on whether I want to drop Sara, Shuro, both of them, or neither of them (and keep struggling along with seven characters until I get really sick of someone... or booted for inactivity).

Narumi: You know what? I actually feel pretty good about Narumi. It took me a long time to settle into his voice/personality, and I regret a lot of the stuff I did with him early on, but I think I've got it now, at least as much as I'm ever going to get it. And I'm finally working on finishing DSRK2 again; I only have a little more than a chapter to go, so I don't have the lingering guilt about that anymore. Though again I have the "crap, this character's supposed to be sociable" problem - Raidou gets out more and has more friends than Narumi does, and that's just kind of wrong. NOT THAT IT IS YOUR FAULT, RAIDOU if your read this. I just fail. But I will live with it, because I loev Narumi and I really do enjoy playing him kind of a lot.

Chances of dropping? Low!

Katsuya: I am also in a good place with Katsuya! The one concern I have about him is that I sometimes feel like I don't know his canon as well as I should. The problem with playing from long and difficult video games when you in fact suck at video games is that canon review becomes extremely time-consuming, and it's harder to quickly check up on things, and I forget stuff. But that's not a huge deal, really.

Chances of dropping? Approximately zero.

Rupert: Of all of my characters, he's the only one I really feel like I'm not doing justice in more than just the "I don't play him enough" sense. I don't know what it is, but something feels lacking with him. I'm just not Diana Wynne Jones, I guess! It probably doesn't help that I'm still not really happy with his PB, which is probably a stupid thing to be bothered by, but.

That said, I have had some threads I enjoyed with him, and I don't feel like I'm messing up badly enough that I'd rather drop than keep going and try to work things out. I'd feel worse about sitting on him (I mean, most of my characters at least get a burst of activity in the first couple months; he didn't even have that), except that Deep Secret is apparently That One DWJ Book That Most Fans Haven't Read and/or Finished, so I kind of doubt anyone else wants to app him.

Chances of dropping? Medium. I'm hoping I'll settle into playing him a little better eventually, like I did with Narumi, but who knows.

... And really my mind's no more made up than it was before. So that was terribly helpful. :|b
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