terms and conditions, like (PG-13) by
pailette ***
summary: Mark is probably waiting for his driver to pull up, Eduardo’s going to take a taxi but for some reason he wants to watch Mark go first. Watch him walk into the rain outside without an umbrella. Watch him pull his hood over his head and pull at the drawstrings till his face disappears.
the farther I fall I'm beside you (PG-13) by
therealw ***
summary: Wherein Mark, for the first time ever, actually listens to what a lawyer has to say.
Bugfixes in the Redesign by
black_eyedgirlsummary: Mark tries to use his powers for good (or at least for Eduardo's benefit). Eduardo notices him trying. Future-fic.
Speaking In Tongues (R) by
marycontrairesummary: Pre-movie. They go to Brazil.
These Things Get Louder (R) by
fledmusicsummary: Mark finding out that everybody, including his mom, thought he and Eduardo were dating.
Truths and Lies in Parallel by
black_eyedgirlsummary: It's not that they leave things out. The lawyers just don't ask all of the right questions, and anyway these parts only mattered/matter/will matter to the two of them.
Anomie (PG-13) by
pirateyessummary: power dynamics. christmas eve. reflection. sad mark is sad, etc.
And That's Why We're Still Waiting by
addandsubtractsummary: in which mark goes to see the movie, mark and eduardo exchange text messages, and there is an inordinate amount of meta.
The Long Way Back by
stickyvalentinesummary: Mark can still count on one hand the number of times Eduardo's refused him anything.
It's Hard To Know What You Want (PG-13) by
balphas -
and leave you to mend the fence (PG-13) by
therealwsummary: Dustin should get new friends, really.
Now You Lived Somewhere Away from Here by
sharksdontsleepsummary: Five years in the future, no one's as young as they used to be.
The (Metaphorical) Parent Trap (PG-13) by
alexthegreatsummary: Dustin needs to work on controlling the metaphors he uses to talk about Mark and Eduardo.
Doing It Right by
cimorene -
The Ghost at the Back of Your Closet by
sandrinesummary: Mark realizes that the movie makes it all - the ups and downs of his friendship with Eduardo - sound like a tragic love story with an unhappy ending, which it wasn't. It wasn't a love story. ... Was it?
Last-ditch Efforts (PG-13) by
twotimingsummary: Missing scene after the dilution.
Grow Like A Riot (R) by
insunshinesummary: Missing scene in the hallway.
Just You (PG-13) by
callmejudesummary: Eduardo sometimes lets sappy things, like terms of endearments, slip out when he's talking to Mark. Sometimes he doesn't even notice he does it but sometimes he does and blushes in embarrassment. But Mark never brings it up because he secretly loves it a lot - both the petnames and the pink cheeks.
Facebook Reveal by
thisissiriussummary: five times eduardo and mark's reconnection was revealed via facebook.
As Mark Zuckerberg (PG-13) by
fairy_tale_echosummary: "If pressed, Mark would admit that he thought it fairly likely that he’d someday be really, really rich. (Maybe not a billionaire, but why not?) But someone being nominated for an Oscar for playing him in a movie? Not so much."
And Maybe You Will Bruise by
eudaimonsummary: There must be a thousand hotels in New York city. So, of course, they end up in the same one, together.
Call Me (R) by
callmejudesummary: "He used my blackberry to make a voice recording of me orgasming, then set it as my ringtone while I was sleeping. I discovered this during a staff meeting this morning."
Been At This Far Too Long by
lakeeffectgirl ***
summary: In which Eduardo learns how to argue with Mark, and Mark learns to be somewhat less of a jerk.
Pen To Paper (R) by
spoileralert1summary: Mark may have kept all those little notes Eduardo left him during college.
Just A Love To Endure (PG-13) by
dangeronshowsummary: Eduardo finds his catharsis through unsent text messages.
to the left of thought (PG-13) by
pailettesummary: Eduardo allows himself to read into Mark's phrasing, the dark screen of Mark's computer. "If I want," Eduardo glances at the wall behind him to locate the light switch, and then it's the sound of Mark inhaling too sharply in the dark, not like him to be so surprised.
all that is left is all that I hide by
therealwsummary: Mark hires a prostitute that looks remarkably like Eduardo. The paparazzi spot them out somewhere. Whether the pics end up online or Mark's people manage to kill the story in time is entirely up to you, but Eduardo has to find out somehow. Happy ending please!
tires sing to the asphalt by
addandsubtractsummary: in which mark and eduardo take a road trip across the us, and have a lot of issues. they seriously have a lot of issues.
you've slipped away like a fistful of sand by
brutalsongsummary: there are no happy endings, because life goes on after the hero kisses the girl.
Much Closer by
twilight_shadessummary: Mark buys an island, goes and lives on it and ceases to bother with human interaction. When it hits the news (a few months later? IDK) Eduardo is worried and goes to visit Mark's island.
So Softly are Sighing by anon
summary: the reason mark doesn't go home at night is because he's used to sharing his bed with wardo - at harvard they did it all the time when mark wasn't coding for days on end.
through the eyes of a fly on the wall by
vliegersummary: "Wardo's not in Singapore," said Mark.
The Curious Incident of Eduardo in the Night-Time (R) by
jibrailissummary: Eduardo breaks into Mark's house.
crept out the front door slow by
ymortonsummary: Eduardo has this thing, where whenever he's drunk, he basically makes out with whoever's around. More often than not this turns out to be Mark. Eduardo never remembers this though, so he is rather shocked when C and D mention this to him one day.
The star to every wandering bark by
noelia_g ***
summary: Eduardo and Mark are slowly working on regaining their friendship when Eduardo realises he's falling in love. Cue angsting about not wanting to ruin their fragile friendship, and Eduardo might be willing to be friends, but how can he trust Mark not to break his heart?
I'm Here by
twilight_shadessummary: Either Mark or Eduardo has a severe car accident (any other kind of life-threatening situation works for this, too) and while he waits for help, barely conscious, and thinks he's going to die he calls the other. 1.) Because who would want to die alone? And 2.) because he just can't die without making it right ...
The Birthday of My Life by
fairy_tale_echosummary: 5 (+1) birthday presents Mark gave Eduardo. He's better at it than you think.
This One Left Them All Behind by
fairy_tale_echosummary: Eduardo gives Mark an old-fashioned, dramatic-as-fuck Golden Age of Hollywood kiss.
they smash up in the sky by
oflightssummary: Mark and Eduardo's sex tape is leaked.
A Stormy Kind of Love (five times they almost kissed in the rain and the one time they did) by
fairy_tale_echo -
In the Details by
grim_lupine ***
summary: Five domestic moments between Eduardo and Mark.
Rock-A-Bye (four kids they didn't have and one they did) by
fairy_tale_echo -
No Big Deal by
fairy_tale_echosummary: Mark sabotaging all of Eduardo's boyfriends.
this is your life by
fairy_tale_echosummary: Mark writes his memoirs.
Mulligan (NC-17) by
oflightssummary: in which Eduardo discovers he's kind of an asshole, breaks his own heart a few times, breaks Mark's heart, and then has to fix it.
How One Thing Leads to Another, A Story of Coincidence by
antistar_esummary: At 42, Eduardo Saverin has three things to his name: a plane ticket, one half of a formerly conjugal bank account, and a list.
World Enough And Time (PG-13) by
fledmusic ***
summary: Time Traveler's Wife AU.
Pilea Involucrata (R) by
fledmusic ***
summary: Eduardo turns into a plant. Mark learns some things about friendship and plants. ...Or something.
With Your Feet In The Air And Your Head On The Ground (PG-13) by
sharksdontsleepsummary: Mark can hear other people's thoughts. Including Eduardo's.
Enjoy the Little Things (PG-13) by
venus_aurea ***
summary: Mark may be an expert at surviving zombie attacks, but he’s rather clueless when it comes to attraction.
Never Marry for Money (You Can Borrow it Cheaper) by
alexthegreat ***
summary: Eduardo & Mark have to attend some kind of shareholder's/young-and-a-billionaire's meeting in Vegas/Vermont/Illinois. One thing leads to another and they WAKE UP MARRIED. A quicky divorce/annulment would be easy if not for the fact that Mark drunkenly changed his facebook status to MARRIED TO EDUARDO SAVERIN.
The Boy Who Facebooked (PG-13) by
venus_aureasummary: Mark starts out as the awkward Ravenclaw kid who gets the highest grades in the class, but his status changes when he creates something that revolutionizes the social experience at Hogwarts.
For Now We Are Young by
ymorton ***
summary: Set post-movie. Eduardo is de-aged for whatever reason and Mark has to take care of him.
Be More Like The Man You Were Made To Be (PG-13) by
gdgdbabysummary: Groundhog Day AU.
on the wings of complete and utter inconvenience by
thisissiriussummary: Wing fic.
write it on the skyline by
thisissirius ***
summary: The plane Eduardo is supposed to be on flying out on goes down, no survivors, and Mark finds out about it from the news. Cue him freaking out and having a complete and utter meltdown, shattering everyone's impression of him. Eduardo shows up a short time later, in one piece because he'd slept in and had missed the flight. Mark sees him and freaks out even further and Eduardo realizes how deeply Mark cares about him.
quero você como eu quero by anon *** (WIP)
summary: Mark wakes up in another life: a life where Eduardo are married (or something equivalent) and very much in love. Rather than screwing Eduardo over, he'd approached the situation differently and that change made all the difference. Whether Facebook is still as successful is up to you, but I want to see Mark slowly growing to love this other life and being bitterly unhappy to lose it.
forgiving what we cannot forget by
black_eyedgirl ***
summary: Eduardo gets amnesia.
old roads i go down (PG-13) by
yellowteddysuitsummary: Mark gets amnesia.
Act Your Age (PG) by
alexthegreatsummary: Mark turns into a three year old.
Best Practices In Workplace Relationships by
black_eyedgirl ***
summary: They meet when Mark's already a billionaire and Eduardo is his new personal assistant.
life is what you manage in between by
ymortonsummary: They meet when Mark's already a billionaire and Eduardo is his new personal assistant.
Terminator AU by anon *** (WIP)
summary: Terminator AU - Mark somehow creates Skynet. Eduardo comes back from the future to stop him.
A Fellowship to Call Your Own by
antistar_e ***
summary: "'Minion'," goes Mark, looking up at the last second. "It's Slytherin for friend." And, for a beat, Eduardo looks remarkably pleased.
No Child of Mine by
vaingirlficsummary: So, Eduardo's father always figured his son was useless. But he is nice to look at and there's some good in that. Cue the idea that he can use Eduardo as a 'sweetener' to close some tricky business deals. He's been doing just this for years when it comes time to close a particularly tricky deal...
Political 'verse by
ymorton ***
summary: the boys work in a liberal president's administration.
Place That Don't Know My Name by
antistar_e ***
summary: Looking up at the mess of stars above New (New New New) Singapore, he stops being Eduardo Saverin, absentee CFO of Facebook, and starts being Eduardo Saverin, time traveling companion to a mad man in a blue box who keeps on calling him Frank.
Place Between Here and the Destination by
antistar_e ***
summary: You know what's cooler than one million dollars? Eduardo Saverin, time traveler.
if this was the cold war (we could keep each other warm) (R) by
oflights summary: Mark is haunting Eduardo, like in an annoyingly literal way. Or: Just Like Heaven, TSN style!
Fortune and Men's Eyes by
novembersmith *** (WIP)
summary: Royalty AU, Or the one where Eduardo is a prince and his father disapproves of his friendship with Mark, who isn't a prince.
(why can't i have) a happily ever after by
rosepetalfallsummary: Royalty AU, Or the one where Eduardo is a prince and his father disapproves of his friendship with Mark, who isn't a prince.
Erasing footsteps by anon
summary: It's a couple of years after the depositions, and Eduardo is miserable. One night, he wishes upon a star (LOL) to go back to the beginning or whatever. Next morning, he wakes up in Harvard pre-facebook. What's he going to do now that he knows what's going to happen with Mark and facebook?
Maybe if I Live Twice I’ll Forget You by
mrs_nottsummary: Eduardo gets amnesia, wakes up in a hospital only to find out that Mark and him are together for a few years already. All that Eduardo remembers is being angry at Mark, hating him at times, and not having seen him since the law suit.
call to me with words i never knew by
forsanethaec ***
summary: Mark and Eduardo meet for the first time when Mark is already the CEO of facebook - probably for business reasons. Except for Dustin and Chris Mark doesn't have any close friends, never had, never wanted, and he's busy coding and shutting the whole world out. And now there's Eduardo who - for reasons unknown - thinks Mark is the best thing since sliced bread and totally wants to be friends with him.
Backwards, Forwards & Inside Out by anon (WIP)
summary: Freaky Friday body swap fic.
sweet on you by
moogle62summary: Bakery AU.
And everything nice by
noelia_g ***
summary: The one where Mark somehow ends up with a child and of course needs a nanny for the amount of time he spends at the office. Only problem is a string of nannys keep trying to get into his pants for what he assumes is his money. Cue Mark's assistant hiring a male nanny, enter Eduardo.
You Only Live Twice (Unless You’re Facebook. Then You Live Forever) (R) by
smiles1777 ***
summary: After he signs the nondisclosure agreement, Eduardo Saverin disappears from the face of the earth. Because he joins the CIA. He embraces the life of Super Suave Secret Agent Man Eduardo Saverin. That is, until Facebook is threatened by terrorist plots and only Eduardo can save the day.
idiot wind by
wldnstsummary: Band AU. Mark the lead singer with the charisma of a goat, Eduardo the hot but sweet guitarist, Dustin the bass player that likes to flip off speakers and lick people's (aka Eduardo's) guitars, Chris the drummer who believes he's the only sane one in the band, and Sean the big executive person who comes in and ruins everything.
the death of an art student by
sustain (WIP)
summary: Instead of Harvard the boys are students at the Juilliard School, one of the best performing arts conservatories in the world. Mark is an insanely naturally gifted pianist, a pretentious douchebag and an asshole yeah, but when he plays everyone listens. Eduardo is a ballet-dancer and grew up with the world's worst stage dad. Dustin is an actor, and Chris a singer or a violinist.
hit the books by
wldnstsummary: Wardo is the reference librarian at the university and Mark is the professor who needs help finding research material/sources. UST and smut in the stacks!
Call Me (any, anytime) (R) by
aqualinedsummary: Tech help AU. (Or the one where Mark learns proper phone etiquette and that you can actually fall in love with the sound of someone's voice-well, maybe if that someone's Eduardo.)
You Think You've Changed Your Mind (NC-17) by
toestastegoodsummary: Mark wakes up with the ability to hear Eduardo's thoughts. It would have been a lot more helpful when they were still talking to each other.
oriented towards the other (R) by
alexthegreatsummary: Mark's empathy has been blocked off for years, for his own safety as well as comfort. But if he wants to win Eduardo back, he's going to have to embrace his ability and re-learn how to live with other people.
Shaped Like a Question Mark (NC-17) by
jibrailis summary: TSN librarian AU! Where Eduardo is a children's librarian and Mark is an information specialist brought in to revamp the catalogue. And along the way there are books! misunderstandings! online reference! romance!
Relationship Status: It was always about you (NC-17) by
jeyhawk ***
summary: College AU. The one where Eduardo works at the campus coffee shop and Mark doesn't understand the concept of love at first sight. Coffee, code, Facebook and love (not necessarily in that order).
on the path unwinding by
thisissiriussummary: the one where eduardo turns into a cute zoo animal and mark comes to a realization he needs human eduardo to deal with.
what not to do when your boss is dating the guy he had erased from his memory: a user's guide by c. hughes (PG-13) by
moogle62 ***
summary: A TSN/Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind fusion. In which Mark has a new mystery significant other, or so Dustin claims, and there is not enough alcohol in the world to make Chris's life any less stupid.
Tranquilize (R) by
oflights ***
summary: Mark Zuckerberg's relationship with the Phoenix Club had always been simple, and he liked it that way. Now he's investigating a rape that took place at one of their parties, figuring out who his friends and enemies are, and desperately trying to keep his past where it belongs. Nothing is simple, especially now that Eduardo has been punched.
A Little Help (NC-17) by
sharksdontsleepsummary: Sean gets Mark and Eduardo very drunk/high fucked up pretty much out of their minds early on, before mark moves to california. He uses their sexual tension against them. Asks them to get playful with each other while he takes photos, they're both high enough to get into doing whatever Sean asks...drunk sex/threesome/voyeurism kink!
Fumbling To Make Contact by
addandsubtractsummary: Mark fingers Eduardo while Dustin and Chris are in the next room. Eduardo isn't very good at staying quiet.
A Little Less Conversation by
adinasourismesummary: It's the final day of the lawsuit.
In My Framework (NC-17) by
dapixam_qsummary: Mark and Eduardo find themselves alone together on the last day of the depositions and... well, what do you think happens?
something real, make it timeless by anon
summary: Eduardo quietly masturbates on Mark's bed while Mark is wired in. This happens often. Mark never notices. One day Mark decides to take a break and catches Eduardo in the act. Smut ensues.
separate and then collide (NC-17) by
dangeronshowsummary: In which Mark is surprisingly tactile with Eduardo.
Carry It In My Heart (NC-17) by
robin_pulaski ***
summary: How Jesse learned to stop worrying and love his costar.
There Is A Place In My Heart (PG-13) by
moogle62 ***
summary: the way to solving all problems in life, if you happen to be andrew garfield, is to get super drunk and kiss your co-star. except that is a lie, because this way only lies madness, taking inappropriate advice and smelling bottles of shampoo. Guest-starring Emma Stone and Justin I-am-the-worst-person-to-talk-to-about-your-problems Timbalone.
apartment story (PG-13) by
pidgeoned ***
summary: wherein Jesse moves into a new apartment, hangs from the ceiling, pines for Andrew from afar, loses a toothbrush and plays dominoes, although not in chronological order.
softly stolen under our blanket skies (PG-13) by
therealwsummary: “So, what do we do?” Their hands are resting side by side on the leather seat, not brushing but close enough for the shared warmth to create the illusion of touch.
All You Need is Love and Pasta (PG-13) by
moonythestralssummary: Andrew Garfield's questionable cat naming techniques, amongst other things.
yeah, you come to mind (R) by
pidgeonedsummary: "...filming the rest of The Amazing Spider-Man has officially moved to New York until mid-May, and we all know who lives in New York...anything to do with their proximity: Jesse visiting Andrew on-set, inviting Andrew to stay in his apartment, being turned on by the sight of Andrew in the spidey-suit, making out and hurried sex in Andrew's trailer, etc."
Less of a Hobby, More of a Fixation (R) by
whitedatura ***
summary: In which Andrew accidentally names Jesse's foster kitten, Jesse second guesses himself a lot, and Emma thinks someone needs to explain phone sex to Jesse.
to be alone with you (PG) by
pidgeonedsummary: Andrew pines, has a very minor freak out, and comes into terms with his ~feelings~ for Jesse.
the only living boy in new york (R) by
pidgeonedsummary: Meeting in New York.
kiss by the book by anon *** (WIP)
summary: College, AU fic. Andrew meets dorky Jesse in the library, and is instantly smitten. Jesse is socially awkward and can barely manage talking with persistent Andrew ... so they find another way to communicate?
Don't Carry It All by
passe_simplesummary: AU. They meet on eHarmony.
Compulsive Obsession Disorder (PG-13) by
venus_aurea ***
summary: Jesse is the neurotic guidance counselor at William McKinley High School and Andrew is the director of the Glee Club.
ever cross your mind by
darkindegreessummary: AU. Office romance.
kiss me and smile for me by
vliegersummary: AU. "What do you usually do when I'm gone?" "Wait for you to come back."
the loudest sound you ever heard by anon
summary: AU with deaf!Jesse.
You're My Excuse to Travel (R) by
fixedfoot *** (WIP)
summary: AU based in New York City, present day.
mapmaker, mapmaker, make me a map by
pidgeonedsummary: Jesse and Andrew meet online and hit it off. Then they decide to meet in real life.
come out of the shade by
anysomething ***
summary: AU with screenwriter or playwright!Jesse and still an actor Andrew. Jesse gets to see Andrew bring one of his characters to life and there's lots of UST and falling in love.
Receptive Expression by
robpat summary: High school AU with deaf!Andrew.
Eisenbooks (PG-13) by
robpatsummary: Jesse owns a bookshop.
The Giraffe Notes (NC-17) by
jeyhawksummary: The impossible love story of a mouse and a giraffe featuring a crush that last a decade, a very grateful movie star, the fine art of falling in love over the internet, a possibly naughty tattoo, three awesome friends, cats, nerves, and a spectacular first date.
Nameless But Not Unknown (R) by
torakowalski ***
summary: Andrew gets amnesia.
Nowhere Else On Earth That I Would Rather Be (NC-17) by
torakowalskisummary: AU where TSN never happened and Andrew, Jesse, Justin and Emma all happen to live in the same building in New York.
see me through (R) by
ink_like_bloodsummary: Set the night of the National Board of Review awards.
Sometimes A Man Gets Carried Away (NC-17) by
alexthegreatsummary: Jesse is losing his grip on the distinctions between himself and Mark. Andrew isn't helping.
advantages to each by
ineffortsummary: Character bleed.
Relationship Status (PG-13) by alexthegreat
summary: Andrew gets a little carried away at the Oscars.
- i know that you're shy (all you need's a shield, just cover with a smile) by
teawithnoddysummary: 5 times they nearly got caught PDA'ing in public by the paparazzi and 1 time they did.
If you can't be touched by anon
summary: Jesse and Andrew are always saying they'd do anything to work with each other again, right? Well, maybe a new project finally comes their way, but this time their characters' relationship is a little more ...romantic.