Yep, another one. This might turn into a weekly thing. Again, sorry if I didn't comment on your fic, authors. Think of me reccing it as me saying I love it to death in the comments. ;)
What Heaven Left Behind by
autumn_whispers- Claire, Sandra, HRG, R. I've read other fics where similar things happen, but Claire's interaction with her mother in this one is what made me rec it. “Oh honey,” she says and the pain in her mother’s voice dislodges something hot and tight in Claire’s chest.
Five Uses for the Modern Cell Phone by
selenak- Claire, Nathan, some ensemble, spoilers for 201.
Company Girls by
selanak- Claire, Elle, PG. Spoilers through 209. Love the ending.
I Sing the Body by
saathi1013- Elle/Sylar, Elle/Bennet, Elle/other, Elle/Thompson, NC-17. Elle grows up and discovers sex. Not necessarily in that order. Best Elle fic I've read so far.
Company Girls by
selanak- Claire, Elle, PG. Spoilers through 209. Love the ending.
Matt/Mohinder and M3:
Welcome Home by
out_there- Matt/Mohinder, NC-17. Guh, omg. This is so hot and in-character. Matt could claim that waking Mohinder is for Mohinder's own good but the truth is far simpler: Mohinder's been away for weeks and now he's in their bed, half-naked.
Moment's Thought by
jemisard- Matt/Mohinder, R. Dub-con. Oh my god, I've been waiting for this fic.
Both Sides of the Gun by
plotbunny_tiff- M3 with Mohinder focus, spoilers for 209. Lovely look at Mohinder.
30 First Kisses- Kiss #15 by
tiptoe39- Matt/Mohinder, PG. A bright, sweet, short summer romance, set in spring, to get you through the winter
Matt, Mohinder, and the technicolor scarf by
ermazing- Matt/Mohinder, PG. Because Matt would never be caught dead wearing that thing. Hee, very cute.
30 Kisses- Kiss #16 by
tiptoe39- Matt/Mohinder, Sylar, Maya, PG-13. This seriously needs to happen next episode. Tim Kring, I'm talking to you.
Miscellaneous (aka Autumn's about to collapse):
Movie Buffs by
selenak- Petrellis, PG. Some little known facts about the Petrelli family.
Voices by
selenak- Matt, ensemble, PG. Portrait of a telepath.
Sandra Bennet receives a visitor by
bookelfe- Sandra, the Haitian, PG. Set between 209 and 210. Oh wow, this is beautiful and devastating. Highly recommended.
Guardianship by
fool_of_ships- Mohinder, Niki, PG.
Welcome to Hell by
aunt_zelda- Mohinder, some Mylar, R. The promo showed us Sylar in Mohinder’s apartment. I went off on a tangent after I recovered from my death-by-SQUEE.
Both Sides of the Gun by
plotbunny_tiff- M3 with Mohinder focus, spoilers for 209. Lovely look at Mohinder.
The Only Game in Town by
selenak- Mohinder, PG. Spoilers for s2. Eeee, I love this fic. Wonderful look at Mohinder. You live with ghosts when you work for the Company, and not all of them are dead.
Strung Along the Wire by
eonism- Mohinder/Bennet, PG-13. Spoilers for 209.
The Call by
medorea- Mohinder/Bennet, PG-13. Um. Phone sex, but not what you think.
Sweet words and punishing kisses by
rosie1234- Mohinder/Elle, PG-13. Spoilers for 209. Finally! I've been waiting for Mohinder/Elle since last week. Let me know if you've found more. ;)
Shrunked by
jiia_chan- Mylar, Peter, PG-13. Lmao, this is so cute.
White Christmas by
trinaweena- Mohinder/Sylar, PG. D'aww. *squishes Mohinder* You're so sweet, bb.
Our Screams Shall Trail to Angels by
juka- Mylar, R. Nice hot little ficlet. *pets it*
Interruption by
pyjamagurl- Mylar, Matt, PG-13.
A Warm Welcome by
furius- Mylar, R. Spoilers through promo for 210.
Change by
molly_commas- Mylar, PG. What Sylar sees.
Welcome to Hell by
aunt_zelda- Mohinder, some Mylar, R. The promo showed us Sylar in Mohinder’s apartment. I went off on a tangent after I recovered from my death-by-SQUEE.
Guardianship by
fool_of_ships- Mohinder, Niki, PG.
Enjoy! I think I'm going to go die now.