post about your 5 Guilty Pleasures and tag 5 people.
1. myspace. even though i'm rarely on there. 2. my extensive collection of star wars-based literature 3. the predator movies 4. artificial butter-flavored syrup 5. jamiroquai. shut up.
let's make narnia look like shrek, a series of unfortunate events and lord of the rings all at the same time, give it battle sequences that aren't really in the book, and just generally suck all the wonder out of it and make it the most boring film we possibly can. ok? sound good? no? drat.
alex and i were going to go to my work last night for an employee-only midnight screening of rent and everyone was going to sing along. instead, when we were a block away we were rear-ended by a guy with no license and had to spend our night in the hospital until five in the morning. i seem to be okay today, alex's back hurts. happy thanksgiving! :
the fiancee got me a green shirt that says BRAZIL on it. she's the best. and i seem to have gotten her addicted to grand theft auto: san andreas, which gives her unsafe ideas when actually behind the wheel. good fun
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had coffee with mark at coffee cartel the other day. we talked about work and school and, um....galaga. nice to see a familiar champaign-face in st. louis. future hanging out needs to happen
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