Oh dear.

Aug 12, 2006 15:36

You know how it is, when you're going through old notebooks and stuff an stumble on something crazy you wrote a while ago? And it's embarrassing but kind of funny?

I found something me and a friend wrote aaages ago, back in the lotr-obsessed days. When I wasn't into the whole fandom thing, and we had to make our own wank fun. Well, an extract:

Day 5

Hello. I am sorry I can't write much. I am getting very weak. Sam is a great help; he tends to me so caringly! The ring is getting heavier - it is dragging my pants down. They fell off today, Sam went into shock, I can't think why. But what am I supposed to do... I have to keep it in my pants - it's the only place that's safe!

- Frod.

Day 6

frodos pants came down! i hav never been so arouzed he ses the reason is that hes keeping the ring there. yay.


Day 7

I offered to carry the ring for mr frodo but he clutched were it was and protested loudly. I lay next to him today - to 'warm' him. Bliss. Gollum has taken up masturbating. Filthy creature.


And it goes on.... Now it obviously reminds me of CC's Very Secret Diaries but then I didn't read fanfic, didn't have an lj, wasn't internet-dependent no fandomness at all! And yet the pervy thoughts were still there. Har har har.
Also, my BFF is back from Ukraine earlier than I thought. Happy. :D

Also also deora_mystic is back too! Happyhappyhappy. :D >:D<

Suddenly my god-awful day is not so god-awful anymore.
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