[spell your name backwards] Yak Esor Htebazile
[age] just turned 23
[where do you live] a dorm
[four words that sum you up] looney, demented, not-right, tired
[hairbrush] Oh where is my hairbrush? Oh where is my hairbrush? Oh where oh where not here not there oh where is my hairbrush?
[jewelry] yes, I own some
[pillow cover] celestial
[coffee cup] apples, celestial, MSU, FSU
[shoes] currently my "special" shoes. Sketchers. No laces, slip-ons
[piercings] allegeric (I rule!)
[clothes you're wearing now] jeans, pink t-shirt, blue sweatshirt
[wishing] all the time
[after this] done with work in an hour!
[talking to] no one loves me, everyone hates me, guess I'll go eat worms
[eating] I have a Coke, but it doesn't require mastication (chewing)
[fetishes] oh yeah! I would tell you, but you'd probably use it against me!
[some of your fav. movies] The Princess Bride, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Moulin Rouge
[something you're looking forward to in the upcoming months] I leave for Germany in less than 10 days!
[last thing you ate] Taco Bell
[something you're hella afraid of] fish
[if you could have any animal as a pet what would it be] penguin
[three cities you wouldn't mind relocating to] Atlanta, London, San Diego
[fav. food] pepperoni pizza
[something you wish you could understand better] testosterone
[miss someone you haven't seen in a long time] Duck!
DO YOU...:
[like candles] yessiree
[like incense] sure
[believe in love] just listen to the rythm of my heart!
[believe in soulmates] I have one, just not the marrying kind!
[believe in love at first sight] no....I'm a bit more guarded now
[believe in forgiveness] as often as possible, but not in every instance
[want to get married] yes
[want to have kids] yes
[believe that you know the person that you'll marry at this point in time] no
[cried] not in the last 24, in the last 48, yes
[bought somethin] lunch
[gotten sick] no
[sang] not in the last 24, in the last 48, yes
[eaten] yes
[been kissed] not in the last 24, in the last 48, yes (Love ya Colleen!)
[felt stupid] Hell yeah!
[wanted to tell someone you loved them, but didn't] yes...all the time
[met someone new] nope
[moved on].....................
[missed an ex] ................
[talked to someone you have a crush on] yes
[had a serious talk] semi-serious
[missed someone] yes
[hugged someone] yes
[fought with your parents] nope
[dreamt about someone you can't be with] yes
[best girl friend(s)] Duck (teehee), Amber, Beth J, Abby, Kasey, Stacie, Katie, Colleen, Krissy
[best guy friend(s)] Duck!, Indiana Dan, Wayne, Karl, Richard, Henry, John, Jon
[boyfriend/girlfriend] HA! nobody loves me. See above
[hobbies] who has time?
[pager/cell] cell
[are you the center of attention or wallflower] I make plans and invite people, I'm never invited
[car you drive] MaliKat
[would you rather be with friends or on a date] friends....with a date
[job] DSM (Desk Service Manager)
[attend church] I've lost my faith in organized religion
[like being around people] depends on the people
[ever been kissed?] ??????????? I would hope so, or else my love life REALLY sucks
[done drugs?] yes...caffiene counts, right?
[alcohol?] yeah
[drove under age?] yup
[had sex?] yup
[stayed up all night?] yup
[skipped school?] I was legitimately ill. And then there's college....let's not discuss that.
[gotten into a fist fight?] nope
[had braces?] yup
[loved someone (besides family)?] yes
One line from a song that best summarizes you?: My give a damn's busted
Favorite TV show when you were a kid?: She-Ra
First shoes you remember owning?: saddle shoes (to correct the pigeon-toed thing)
Can you rollerblade?: haven't really tried, but I want to
Do you wear a watch?: nope
What's the sexiest on-screen kiss scene you've ever seen?: I'll have to get back to you on that...I've got a few going through my head, but I can't pick one
What movie did you just not 'get' the appeal of?: Finding Nemo....I just don't know how people can watch fish!
What song can you never resist singing along to?: If I Had $1,000,000
How often do you wash your sheets?: about every other week
Would you be weirded out if your lover asked you to wear cat ears during sex?: nope...he'll make up for it later ;)
Do you burn themed CDs specifically for road trips, certain events, etc?: hell yeah!
Is your ID/driver's license photo flattering?: hell no
What's the cheesiest item of clothing you own?: a t-shirt with a corset printed on it
Best snack during a movie?: Sour Punch Straws
Do you prefer your room warm or cool?: hot Hot HOT
Do you actually save coupons or just toss them?: save them
Do you use a bin liner in your trash can?: yeah
Are you a fan of funky socks or just plain colored ones?: I like the funky socks, but I save them for "special" days
Do you use a datebook or planner?: I do now!
Are you / could you ever be vegetarian?: I like chicken, I like liver, meow mix, meow mix Please deliver!
Do you like to kiss people with oral piercings?: haven't tried it, trying to arrange it though ;)
What kind of music do you like to have on when you are cleaning?: random mix of playlist
Do you prefer doing dishes or laundry?: laundry
If you write letters, do you use stationary or just plain notebook paper?: stationary
Have you ever been part of a cuddle-pile?: hehehe...yes
Which is better, beanbag chairs or body pillows?: body pillows!
Who's the perkiest person on TV these days?: people are perky these days?
Best talk show host?: don't watch em
Do you miss the era of Jerry Springer fanaticism?: never watched it
Are you/were you at some point a fan of pro wrestling?: how can something fake be "pro"?
What fictional character did you always want to be?: Sleeping Beauty
What's the coolest style of hat?: bucket
Do you like the rockabilly fashion style? (Cherries, dice, pin-up girls, flames, James Dean, Elvis, etc.): I don't wear it
What do you think about hippies?: better than yuppies
If you could write a fan letter that you knew you'd get a handwritten response to, who would you write to?: Nicolas Lea
If you're left handed--- aren't spiral notebooks annoying and painful?: just turn in upside down?
Have you ever made a piece of your own clothing or a really nifty accessory?: yes
Ever injured yourself doing something incredibly normal and easy?: this IS me we're discussing, right?!?!?!
When's the last time you saw a play?: I saw The Diviners here on campus mid-April
Would you be someone's no-limit sex slave for $500 an hour cash?: how about we have limits and charge $300?
1: What is your favorite sound?: thunder and rain
2: How about your favorite type of music?: everything BUT Rap and R&B
3: What kinds of things do you like hearing people say?: random shit
4: What kinds of sounds scare you?: Erika K
5: Is there a particular sound that brings back a fond memory?: my dog's collar
6: What about a sound that brings back a bad memory?: "Tiny Dancer" by Elton John
7: What is the oddest sound you’ve ever heard?: well, this one time, at band camp...........
8: The obvious question: what’s your favorite colour?: lilac
9: What is the most disgusting thing you’ve ever seen?: people eating sushi
10: Have you ever tried to stare directly into the sun?: duh! As soon as I was told not to!
11: What kinds of images tend to draw your attention?: penguins
12: Looks-wise, describe the perfect person: blue/green/grey eyes, darker hair...not fat or muscle-y, but sturdy
13: What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever seen?: Mr. Jerky (and it doesn't make jerky people....)
14: What is the most hilarious thing you’ve seen in your life?: MOST? God, I can't pick!
15: Are you ticklish?: only in one or two spots
16: If so, where?: HA! Nice try
17: What’s the softest thing you’ve ever touched?: I have this one stuffed animal....it's a penguin
18: How about the hardest?: a diamond...it's pretty hard
19: What is your favorite kind of texture?: a blanket, I love blankets....anything but wool
20: Has there ever been something you’ve been afraid of touching?: anything dead
21: Since it falls under 'touch,' what is the most painful thing that has ever happened to you?: emotional shit
22: Another obvious one: what’s your favorite food?: pepperoni pizza (answered above)
23: What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever tasted?: those Litmus strips
24: Did you like it?: NOPE
25: What’s the grossest taste ever?: vomit
26: And the best taste?: Feta Cheese, salami, lettuce, red onion and Italian Dressing
27: What taste is the blandest?: cafeteria food
28: What’s your favorite kinds of taste (sweet, sour, etc.)?: sour or salty
29: What’s the nicest smell ever?: lilacs
30: The worst?: my ex and his roommate
31: How do you feel about Scratch & Sniff stickers?: I loved them!
32: What’s your favorite type of air freshner?: lilac
33: Ever smelled something so rank you’ve cried?: yuppers
34: Do you remember that Gack stuff?: yeah!
35: Smelled terrible, didn’t it?: definately!
The Sixth Sense
36: Do you believe that the human mind has psychic powers waiting to be unleashed?: These aren't the droids you're looking for
37: If we got to pick our powers, what kind would you pick?: flight. "It would be cool to fly and shit and people would throw shit at you. Yeah, that'd be the shit." ~ Bob B
38: Do you think the world would be better or worse with unlocked mind powers?: I would hate to hear what everyone else is thinking.
39: Why?: b/c they are freakin' MORONS
40: Would you use the powers for good or evil?: I'd use to it crumble their brains to dust
41: Would you use them in everyday situations (Argh, the remote is all the way over there!), or just when you felt you needed to (Argh, this semi truck is crushing my spine!)?: I would SO abuse the power. "You're too dumb to live, I crush you with the weight of my mind!"
42: Did you sense the end of this quiz coming up?: WTF?!?!!