1. Reply to this post with the words "Oh hai, Dia!", and I will pick 6-8 of your icons.
2. Make a post (including this info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never ending cycle of icon glee
[*] My one and only vice. I get cranky when I don't have a drink for more than 24 hours. Sue me, actually leave that to my kidneys.
[*] The I/LADY GAGA APPROVES icon that I found somewhere around here. I love the woman, her music and her WTF style (currently saving up for a possible 2011 concert in Puerto Rico)
[*] My official sad/mourning icon...your best friend in the whole world and you burn him...you monster.
[*] My OTP since 7th Grade, Roger Smith and R. Dorothy Wayneright from The Big O, made it myself years back and I would never trade it for anything.
[*] But there's no sense crying over every mistake//You just keep on trying 'til you run out of cake, this is my sarcasm/joy/multipurpose icon. Portal is my all-time favorite Valve game and Top 10 Video Games in my Life. Never have I quoted anything aside from BioShock. I even have two Portal ringtones for the Chuchoberry.
[*] ESCAPING ICON IS NECESSARY. From one of my favorite CSI: Miami episode "Curse of the Cross"...Ryan saw a zombie. Tiem to change pants.
[*] EEEE Pinguins! I love those flightless birds, all 37 species, but the Adelie Penguin is the cutest of them all. That there is an Emperor Penguin chick, possibly a few weeks old. [nerd moment]