Unions - There's Something I Want to Understand Better...

Feb 26, 2011 12:42

Hypothetically, do we still need unions today? And if we do, is there transperancy and accountability? I do not really understand much about the economics behind unions.

With non-profits, 501(c)(3)'s in particular, financial statements are available for public review. And many non-profits pride themselves on sub-10% overhead spending. This gives comfort for those giving monies to these organizations.

What about unions? I've known folks in grocery unions, construction unions, teacher unions, etc. For the most part, I tend to cringe when I hear how much of their salary goes to union dues. It can be 20-25%. That's a lot to me. So where do these monies go to? How are the unions accountable for these dues?

When I think unions, I think of: lobbyists, activism and well-dressed attorneys. I've only ever asked one friend where they thought their dues went. And very confidently they responded, "to protect my interests, why?" With a look that says, "Isn't it obvious? Why would you ask?" I let it drop because I never really liked talking politics in general. But in this case, I'm more focusing on accountability and transparency.

Because isn't the lack of accountability, transparency and even structure big contributors to the tremendous blow to our economy? And I think I'd feel better supporting unions if I understood specifically, how they're "protecting interests" of the workers. I can see losely an argument on behalf of lobbying, but activism? And what percetage of the dues go to litigation?

I don't know, but nowadays, I can't help but see unions (not union members) to be as big of a corporate juggernaut as any other private corporation.

unions economics

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