Well today is my study but I worked out first and actually ate cereal! But anyway... I found this really funny X-men Evolution list on Fanfiction.net that was written by Peace215. I think it's great!
'EVO' HAS TAUGHT ME THAT............
1) accents are a one time thing
2) to never piss off a guy that can erase minds
3) to never piss off a short hairy guy with three metal claws protruding from his hands
4) no one can do a southern accent
5) everyone makes mistakes even Scott but Scott makes more
6) red is an universal color especially to Scott
7) to stay away from Kitty's cooking
8) Logan can live through anything except Kitty's driving
9) brown and white are NOT meant to be used to color Remy's eyes
10) even a goth who can't touch can still dance
11) all characters evolve even Spyke [who'd of thought]
12) *two dimensions* can describe Scott
13) Angels are damn good looking
14) Cajuns are first in ranking *hottest guys of 2004*
15) not all red heads are conceited just Jean
16) if you have a problem don't tell Kitty she'll spread the word
17) not all chicks dig the fuzzy dude
18) blowing a girl's hand off is not romantic
19) if given two choices: 1. Learning to survive with Logan or 2. Fight A- poc choose fight A-poc.
20) Logan's a soft teddy bear underneath it all, just don't tell him that or you'll have extra danger room sessions for a year.
21) all guys have two minds but only one can be used at one time [they can't multi-task]
22) saying "Hey Pretty-Kitty" is sexual harassment
23) in Kitty's room pink is the key word
24) purple, black, and green clothes are must needs for any inspiring goth
25) if you're bored on Christmas- don't chase after an Angel- it only gets you into more plot....I MEAN trouble*pfhew*
26) blue is Beast's favorite color
27) Wanda is a witch or just insane?
28) fire is manipulating but to Pyro it's the other way around
29) gloves are in-style all year round
30) Cajun flava can describe Remy in a heartbeat
31) fur in the pool is not cool
32) privacy is bliss
33) movable tails are *very* helpful
34) Forge's inventions NEVER work
35) Jean's hair-color is in Aisle 4 fifth row over, second shelf down
36) Toad says 'yo' too many times
37) Lance gets all the bad puns
38) Freddy always eats
39) Freddy always asleep in Fanfics
40) Pietro can talk really fast, run really fast and.................well do something else really fast.
41) a mirror is above Pietro's bed
42) all strong silent type mutants don't get more than three lines
43) Kitty like totally deserves a new like vocabulary
44) A guy that can blow things up and can speak in *a Accent* can turn on anyone
45) Magneto doesn't get Best Father Award
46) Risty is really Psylocke in disguise. Mystique? Nope that's what the writers want you to believe
47) Rogue's accent is hard to write
48) everyone gets a trench coat in evo
49) blue looks good on Kurt
50) long tongues are *very* fun!
51) growling gets a girl's heart going
52) being able to cause earthquakes and get headaches.................just sucks!
53) if the resident snow plow...*ahem* I mean weather witch wants a sunny day she gets a sunny day
54) flirt with Warren and he'll give you money
55) saying "I will crush you like a tin can." and not following through shows weakness.
56) Rogue can hot wire a bus
57) Xavier has a secret agenda............now what was it?
58) Evan likes milk. Why? Because it promotes strong bones! [I'll stop now]
59) Going to the beach when you're Rogue isn't fun
60) wonder why Rogue doesn't like cats? [re-watch the cauldron pt1 if you don't get it]
61) Jean is a controlling son of a ........honey who works really hard and cares.........JEAN get the HELL out of MY head!
62) everyone loves the Phoenix Saga because Jean dies.......for awhile at least.
63) Scott loves his car more than Jean
64) Scott's said car is scrap-meat compared to Logan's bike.
65) being fast is not all it's cracked up to be
66) cards...........the key to any girl's heart
67) A sex crazed male mutant who can charm the pants off of any girl is a great friend to have
68) fooling around in the x-jet is not permitted
69) Sabertooth is a purring kitten when given a yarn-ball.......right John?
70) a girl that can handle a staff is a girl to hang on to
71) two words describe Kitty 'hyper-active'
72) or 'mall-freak'
73) or 'pink-obsessed'
74) there is a god and he created Stan Lee who created Gambit
75) and Wolverine
76) and Rogue
77) and Jean so we can bash her
78) Scott can't get laid because of the stick up his ass.
79) Scarlet Witch: "So many hex bolts so little time"
80) even Scott can lighten up, when no ones looking
81) the new recruits do nothing but whine
82) Jamie's adorable in an evil I'll-get-even-with-then-if-it's-the-last- thing-I-do kind of way
83) never have Bobby fly when he crashed the simulator every time
84) Having Bobby fly the plane when on a 'joyride' is not a good idea
85) Throwing a baby into the river doesn't earn you extra brownie points
86) shooting spikes that are fire tipped at the end at Duncan does get you extra brownie points
87) talking fast is annoying
88) stealing from Warren: mildly entertaining
89) trying to hurt Magneto mentally: gets old fast
90) hanging upside down gives everyone unrealistic ideas *wink*
91) never sleep late on the weekends, Kurt might eat all the food
92) Alex is much more fun than Scott but the both have something in common. They're irritating.
93) Operation Rebirth should be marketed as the new-age fountain of youth
94) Lance is a hood; he just don't know what that means.
95) god is merciful: he made Storm so the X-men wouldn't have to eat Kitty's cooking
96) If you don't have something nice to say don't say it. Or don't even think it around Jean she'll hound you about it...........isn't that right Rogue?
97) Just because you act like a toad doesn't mean you have to smell like it
98) Amanda was the only human lucky enough to get a mutant to herself!
99) Arcanda loves computers, wonder why? *laughs*
100) the professor has an endless supply of money; waste no time in spending it.
To check out her list go to: