1- Full Name: Chelsea Knost
2- Eye Color: Blue
3- Hair Color: Red
4- Height: 5'6''...I am not even kidding you.
5- Glasses/Contacts: Neither
6- Braces: Nope
7- Age: 16
8- DOB: June 27
9- Zodiac Sign: Cancer
10- Family:What about them?
11- Favorite Number:Um. I have no idea. 249 :)
12- Favorite Food: Cheesecake! Mmmm...
13- Favorite Drink: I have no idea. I heart milkshakes though.
14- Favorite Book: Currently, The Notebook
15- Favorite Car: The par-tay van! Bahaha.
16- Favorite Flavor of Chip: Depends on what kind of chip.
17- Favorite Flavor of Pop: Um.
18- Favorite Cookie: Just the plain chocolate chip.
19- Favorite Restaurant (and Fast Food Place): Arby's, Chick-fil-A, Subway, Quizno's, Taco Bell
20- Favorite Color: Pink!
Have You Ever;
21- Stole From A Store: Not that I know of
22- Lied:Yes...
23- Cheated On A Test: Only in Biology :)
24- Been To Another State: Not very many, but yes.
25- Been To Another Country: Does Canada count?
26- Flown In A Plane: Nope
27- Been To A Concert: Yep
28- Tried To Kill Yourself: No!
29- Thought About Killing Yourself: Only if I was kidding :)
30- Got In Trouble By The Police: Ahaha...Almost...that one time at the movies with Maggie...:)
31. Gone skinny dipping: Um…no….*cough*
2- Cut Yourself On Purpose: No! Geez. I am NOT suicidal, ok?
33- Prank Called Someone: Many times!
34- Had Sex: No
35- Masturbated: No. What is WITH this survey?
36- Called 911: No
37- Been In A Physical Fight: Ha. Yeah RIGHT
38- Rode A Roller Coaster: Once J
39- Wished You Were Someone Else: Yes.
40- Play An Instrument (Which One): Um…not really. But piano and guitar! AHAHA
Do You
41- Have A Job: Nope
42- Play A Sport: Nope
43- Drive: Nope L
44- Have A Messy Room: Duh.
45- Believe In Ghosts: Nope
46- Believe In God: Yep
47- Like To Dance: Like to dance? Yes. Can I dance? No.
48- Like To Sing: Yes!
49- Have Any Piercing (Where): Ears
50- Love someone (Truly): Yes. J
This Or That
51- Pepsi or Coke: Coke
52- Vanilla or Chocolate: Depends on what it is
53- Rock or Rap: Rock. Rap = bad
54- Pink or Purple: Pink
55- Messy or Neat: Messy
56- Hugs or Kisses: Both, preferably J
57- TV or Books: Depends
58- Comedy or Horror: Comedy
59- Casual or Dressy: Depends
60- Dolphins or Monkeys: Um…I have no idea. Monkeys.
61- Are You Going Out With Anyone (Who): Psh. No.
62- Do You Have A Crush (Who): Yes. And if you think I’m going to tell you who, you’re crazy.
63- Who Is Your Best Friend (Guy, Girl): Oh crap. I hate these questions. I’m going to skip them b/c I’m always afraid I’m going to hurt someone’s feelings! I know, I’m a dork.
64- Who Is Your Funniest/Fun nest Friend (Guy, Girl):
65- Who Is The Most Beautiful and Ugliest Friend (Guy, Girl):
66- Who Is Your Most Trusting/Least Trusting Friend (Guy, Girl):
67- Who Is Your Most Smartest/Non Smartest Friend (Guy, Girl):
68- Who Is Your Tallest/Shortest Friend (Guy, Girl):
69- Have You Ever Liked Your Friend (Guy, Girl):
70- Do You Have Any Online Friends (Guy, Girl):
71- I Know: Nothing of very much value.
72- I want: Some new boots.
73- I wish: I could find my other shoe.
74- I Have: Something stuck to the bottom of my foot.
75- I Hate: Stupid people.
76- I Miss: Um…
77- I Fear: My brother’s closet.
78- I Hear: Strange things in my brother’s closet.
79- I Search: Um. Yay.
80- I Love: Psh. Not going there.
81- I Ache: That doesn’t even make sense!
82- I Care: Ugh. These suck
83- I Always: Take these goddang stupid surveys
84- I Dance: badly
85- I Cry: Yep. I do.
86- I Do Not Always: Think logically
87- I Write: A lot
88- I Confuse: What?
89- I Can Usually Be Found: Yep.
90- I need: To stop taking these things.
About The Person You Like: Oh crap.
91- What Is Their Full Name: Ha. Yeah right.
92- Do You Think They Are(Put An X After Each One You Think Applies), Cute, Pretty, Beautiful, Sexy, Hot, Nice, Sweet, Bossy, Smart, Funny - I’m not even going to answer that.
93- Would You Ever Kiss Them: Um, yes!
94- What Is It That You Like About Them (Looks, Personality, Ext.): Omh. This is so stupid.
95- What Would You Like Them To Wear: Does it really matter?
96- Is Their Any Part Of Their Body You Want To Touch: OMH
97- If You Were To Look At Them, What Is The First Thing You Look At (Be Honest): OMH
98- If You Have Any Other Comments About Them, Put Them Down: OMH
Well, that was interesting.