Title: River's Room Author: penguinspy42 Summary: River finds out her greatest fear and her greatest faith are one in the same. Prequel to The God Complex. One shot. Rating: PG Characters: Eleventh Doctor, River Song ( Read more... )
Thank you! I'd like to think that River wouldn't lose her faith in the Doctor, no matter what. Time may change, but her Doctor would exist within her forever.
After the episode I couldn't help but think about what everyone I know would have in their room. Of course, I couldn't resist River. I probably think about her way too much for a fictional character.
I love it when they're sweet on each other. All I ask is that Moffat give us one good hug before he rips our hearts out. Is that too much?
Aww, the God Complex is on in an hour here and this is the most perfect prequel to it! God, those words of the nightmare!doctor made even me as the reader flinch. And it's so lovely to see the doctor being comforting rather than river. Lovely, so lovely!
Comments 10
Bad, awesome, one of the two. I'm not sure which. Maybe a bit of both.
But really, thanks.
Why is it I can never resist when the two of them get sweet on each other?
I love it when they're sweet on each other. All I ask is that Moffat give us one good hug before he rips our hearts out. Is that too much?
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