Just got back from Dance Theater. This time is Australian Dance Theater with their lastest work Be Yourself (cheesy name, yes it ^^;) I saw the trailer/teaser and then I can't help not to book a seat. It was amazing! The sound effect, video art, the movement, it's just soooo contemporary!
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Yesterday I watched 2.5 hours long Beck movie. It's almost as long as bollywood movie, but it's worthed. I enjoyed it. Haven't seen or read another version of Beck, so I didn't expect much. I have to be dissapointed at Hiro's acting skill this time ^^; Idk, if it's because of the original character, or is it just him who played not as good as he did before.
The movie is fine. It's just one thing. Where the heck is Sato Takeru's voice?! xDD *you'll understand once you see the movie*
Nakamura Aoi!! xD getting to like him more. although it's the first time i saw his act.
He suit the role! xDD *especially because he plays his bass half-naked*
From all hawties in Beck, Ryusei no Kizuna-Post-it-man in Beck is my favorite
One and only thing to lol about.. what's wrong with the lyric! xD idk, but maybe this is why I never bother to see any japanese song's translation ^^; I'm afraid I will hate the song.
I watched too many dorama this season. LADY, Control, Fuyu no Sakura, Bartender, and Utsukishii Rinjin. And if you're currently dorama listless. I recommend you Control. It's more educating than lessons you got at school *slap*. Utsukushii Rinjin is also addicting, although I don't have proper reason for this.