A really good selection!! I am finishing with my class and then finals until the middle of december but when it all ends I will take a look at these doramas.
So busy lately. I only have time to watch shows that are on TV, no time for downloading.
you'll like Nankyouku Tairiku for sure xD Take your time and good luck for the final first 8D I guess it's better to wait and pile up episodes because then you can watch it marathon >D
you watch alot too! xD *saw your reviews* but series on TV is not bad :D *unless with the language you can easily understand without looking at the screen |D*
Yeah... it's easier for me to follow shows on tv nowdays. And yes! I have done many jdramas marathons like that! I'll pile up the entire season if necessary!
aliqaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa xDD kangen chuuu! gila udah lama banget ga bikin icon |D gara2 scan kaibutsukun yg kemaren aja lucu banget. itu si jun di ranking the most beautiful male actor in asia. doi above all korean gitu |D gw langsung inget lu *aneh tapi begitulah*
ahahahahah iya nih sama i think i have to update my icons XD ah peni aku jd terharu karena mengingat jun itu suami pertama gue (loh?) wah tapi hebat juga loh ya pen jun bisa ngalahin muka2 operasian gitu! :O
gue pake photoshop pen tp susah grrr it's really heard to keep it under 40kb makanya gue seringan b&w kalo animated orz
karena mengingat jun itu suami pertama gue (loh?) hahaha xD itu rating berarti urutan suami lu ya? xD eh iya...gw baru nyadar, gw lupa si jun uda pernah dioprasi muka blom ya.. gw cuma inget nino pernah.
lu pake PS ?! *sewot sendiri* gw pake PS jadinya slow gitu liq. entar coba lagi ah.
btw sorry ya baru bales D: mental breakdown gw. penyakit males buka email.
Comments 37
So busy lately. I only have time to watch shows that are on TV, no time for downloading.
Lots of love!
you watch alot too! xD *saw your reviews* but series on TV is not bad :D *unless with the language you can easily understand without looking at the screen |D*
much love ♥
ah peni, sini lagi dong!
gila udah lama banget ga bikin icon |D gara2 scan kaibutsukun yg kemaren aja lucu banget. itu si jun di ranking the most beautiful male actor in asia. doi above all korean gitu |D gw langsung inget lu *aneh tapi begitulah*
lu bikin animated gif make apa sih liq?
gue pake photoshop pen tp susah grrr it's really heard to keep it under 40kb makanya gue seringan b&w kalo animated orz
hahaha xD itu rating berarti urutan suami lu ya? xD eh iya...gw baru nyadar, gw lupa si jun uda pernah dioprasi muka blom ya.. gw cuma inget nino pernah.
lu pake PS ?! *sewot sendiri* gw pake PS jadinya slow gitu liq. entar coba lagi ah.
btw sorry ya baru bales D: mental breakdown gw. penyakit males buka email.
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