Today was so hectic! For the last two years I have been working as a contracted phlebotomist for the dui task force in my area. Well today was the first time i had to go and explain myself in court for a dui trial!
I was so nervous but I tried not to be cause really I do know my job and as I'm telling the truth then really there shouldn't be any problem. Really I don't like the idea that they are making me justify myself so that I can possibly flub up and be a means to an end for them but anyway I was nervous this morning and my husband worked last night so I was running around the house trying to get the kids and myself going before school and I called my husband. I wanted him to get one of the kits I use for me, so I could review the contents for things like needle gauge and stuffs. Well he laughs at me and then says you know you cant present evidence right. Well I got so pissed he was laughing at me I hung up and threw my phone into my chair, RIGHT ON TOP OF MY KINDLE!!! fuck yeah I cracked the screen!!!! I was so pissed!!! but don't worry I already ordered a new one! I can now say I've owned every generation of kindle there was, and have the busted remains of them too! The screens are like a porcelain with the way I break them!!
Last kick in the ass, after explaining my training, procedure, ect to the courtroom the defending atty stood up and asked if I really felt that being associated and part of(basically being paid) the case that my husband is already involved in(arresting officer) is ethical? that's all!! I had to be thee so he could be an ass!