yeah, i know it's 9 o'clock on a saturday morning. i couldn't go back to sleep... so here i am, updating livejournal. aren't you grateful for my insomnia? you should be.
writing AND pictures under the cut...
anyway, it's july. that makes me sad. i mean, july is a great month, but it means that summer is halfway over. i have accomplished absolutely nothing this summer. i have yet to get a job... i still have 4 books to read for school. but one good thing: there has only been one day where i just sat at home allll day in my pajamas. and it was raining really hard that day. so there. actually, now that i think about it, this summer has been pretty good. and it's only half way over! okay, that was my optomistic side showing. that doesn't come out often. haha...
oh, oh... who is excited about the new Daphne Loves Derby CD coming out July 26th?! i am, i am! i'm soooo freaking excited. i love new CDs... especially from such an amazing band as DLD. they have a new website up... well actually it's just a mini website, but go check it out anyway. they have 3 songs from their new album on there. listen to them because they are wonderful! ok, enough advertising. i don't really have any new pictures for yall, but here are some random ones yall might not have seen before.
rachel modeling the amazing cumberbun we found at the thrift store. isn't she lovely?
courtney having way too much fun with a spoon.
seth in a paintball mask kissing adam. this was a long time ago, but i'm still laughing.
i love this picture... i have no clue what is going on, but i love it.
new year's eve with my baby... this was before we were going out though. aww.
i found that cd case reallllly entertaining at the time. seriously, i was really excited about it.
me and cork could be on a commercial. not really, i look like a retard.
i LOVE this picture. that is pretty much the constant state of my face when i am around rachel... scary, i know.
hehe, isn't he just so cute? i mean... errr... ruggedly handsome...
:-) ^ check out my myspace. i finally made it pretty! add me if you have one.
okay, that's all!
thanks for reading/looking. i hope you all have a wonderful week, an awesome fourth of july, and an amazing rest of the summer!
//edit: holy crap people, open your minds! just because someone doesn't believe in the same things you do... or act the way you do... or think the way you do, does not mean you have the right to disrespect them. nothing makes you look more ridiculous, immature, and arrogant as having a closed mind and not respecting others for who they are.
some food for thought: before you say something, think about who it might offend... or whose feelings it might hurt. even if you think a certain lifestyle or a certain viewpoint may be wrong, do not condemn the people who live that way or have that viewpoint. who knows, maybe YOU are wrong. just take a step back. put yourself in the other person's shoes... think about why they believe in what they do, or act or think the way they do. gah, just OPEN YOUR MIND!