Title: Actus reus, mens rea (Guilty act, guilty mind)
pennythepants Rating: PG - 13
Warnings: Implied violence/murder/suicide. Yah know, cheery stuff.
An original 100 word drabble. :)
Mitchie stands alone at the edge of the cliff. It used to be Mitchie and Sean.
The plan was for Mitchie to go in alone. That was always the plan. So when Sean walks in after her, she knows something is wrong.
'We gotta go!'
The rest happens too fast. The clerk reacts, and Mitchie isn’t ready. Funny, they had never made a mistake before. But now Sean’s gone and Mitchie’s running.
Mitchie stands alone at the edge of the cliff. They scream at her to turn around, hands raised. She doesn't listen.
It will always be Mitchie and Sean.