
Mar 05, 2006 17:12

This weekend has been one of the most stressful of my entire life. I feel like I'm getting pulled in a million directions, but I guess at least it's helped me to keep my mind off of other things. Most of this has to do with Alex and Hector, two friends of mine who moved in together about two weeks ago. I warn you, this is a long rant.

Part 1: Summary of the weekend
Friday was relatively uneventful. Mostly because I woke up at 4pm, so by then most of the day was already over. Of course, this meant I stayed up for all of friday night and into saturday morning.

Around 10am or so, I was getting tired, so I was preparing to go to sleep, conceding to fixing my sleep schedule on another day. Right around then, my mom knocked on my door. Apparently Alex's mom had called my mom because she couldn't get ahold of Alex. Alex's parents are moving to Irving on monday, and they had a lot of furniture sitting in their house that they had been waiting all week for Alex and Hector to come by and get. So, my mom wanted me to go over there to make sure Alex would get up and come get his shit. Of course, I didn't like this mentality, because I sure as hell don't want to pick up after Alex or have to act like a baby sitter every time his parents can't figure out what to do with him.

So, I head down to their apartment, and Hector was there. Alex had apparently gone to a party the night before, and still hadn't shown up. They needed to get the stuff out, and because Alex had been lazy all week, I decided to do Hector a favor and help him move the furniture. So, most of my day on saturday was spent helping move furniture. Then we went to the mall, Hector bought some air soft guns (that we ended up shooting each other with later in the night) That night, Alex finally got home from that party, walks into the apartment and is like 'oh hey, furniture', without so much as a thank you (I guess I expect too much from irresponsible people; im sure he had compeltely forgotten about it in the first place)

Then Alex leaves to go back downstairs with the rest of his friends, and they start throwing a party and getting drunk. In the meantime, I hung out with Hector for a little while and decided I was going to go home. On my way down the stairs, something didn't seem right so I decided I'd stick around for a little longer (a little longer, as you'll soon see, Gentle reader, that ended up being the whole night)

The lights in the other apartment were flakey, they kept flickering off; something was wrong with the breaker and the repairmen hadnt come to see it yet. Every time someone tried to turn on the TV, the lights would go out. After some time, someone gets the crazy idea, 'Hey, there's furniture in the upstairs apartment, and they let us smoke up there, so let's go have a party at alex and hector's!'

So a group of about 6 drunken people stumble up the stairs and sit down to watch some King of the Hill. As soon as they came in, someone was like 'I think Hector is trying to sleep, maybe we should quiet down'. However, since Alex apparently has no respect for anyone, let alone his own roomate, he said, "No, it's my fucking apartment, be as loud as you want!' Hector of course woke up, and I walked downstairs with him so he could cool off. He was pissed not necessarily because they were there, but more because of the way Alex was talking about him and the fact that all the people were in their apartment, touching his stuff (someone had picked up Hector's bass and started playing with it) Basically, he felt disrespected by all of them.

After about three hours of sitting downstairs, Hector decides he's going to go take some action. He walked up the stairs, and stepped into the livingroom of his apartment. Casey was passed out on one of the sofas, Matt was sitting on another, staring at the TV and Ross was sitting right in front of the TV, sipping his beer and smiling like a not-so-robotic monkey. Hector asked Ross in a stern voice if he was drunk, to which Ross replied 'Yeeees!'

This is where the highschool drama really starts.

Hector slapped Ross in the face and told him to get out. Of course, since Ross is drunk off his ass and was just pretty well disrespected, he started freaking out and yelling at Hector. It ended up with Ross saying 'fuck it, I'll just go drive home!' and storming out. I followed him out with a few of us to make sure he didn't go and do that very thing.

Then Ross got in my face and yelled at me, demanding to know what Hector and I were talking about, and telling me 'I bet you put him up to this'. I don't know what the fuck it is Alex says about me behind my back, but I get the feeling everyone thinks I'm scheming something or another at all times to try and get something going my way. I just told Ross to chill the fuck out, and that everyone needed to chill out or this was all going to get even more blown out of proportion.

Eventually, everyone calms down. Ross and Casey lay down on the couches in the downstairs apartment, Matt sits and talks with me for a while, and then I decide I'll go check up on Hector. I tell him some of the conversation I had with Ross and the rest, basically about how out of line the slap was. Then Hector says he's going to go apologize to Ross and "take care of Alex". That wording kind of freaked me out, so I followed him.

Ross didn't take his apology too well because he was drunk, but I'm sure Hector will get another chance to state his case and apologize. However, when he tried talking to Alex, the argument quickly escalated and ended with Alex saying he didn't care about his credit rating, he'd break the lease on the apartment and just go live on the streets if he had to.

After this, I went upstairs and talked with Hector for a while, and gave him my take on things. I finally passed out at 6am on Sunday morning, after not sleeping for 38 hours.

Part 2: My take on all of this
I can see where both Alex and Hector are both in the right and in the wrong. Firstly, when they moved in together, there doesn't seem like there were any boundaries placed. Hector was angry because he felt disrespected; but he never really explained to Alex what he expected of Alex as a roomate, he just kind of expected him to know. But really, how can Alex respect what Hector wants if it's never explained to him? Hector was also interrogating Alex like a parent, about 'when are you going to get a job', 'you have responsibilities', etc. What Hector needed to realize is that those responsibilities are Alex's. It's not up to Hector to make sure Alex gets his shit together. In the end of the day, he should not have a problem with Alex until Alex cannot come up with the money for the rent. Then he can say, 'okay, yeah, you fucked up on your responsibility, now get out of my house'. Alex needs to take some responsibility, yes, but no amount of bullying or parenting is going to make him want to do that (he doesnt respect his own parents for chrissake)

There is entirely too much talking behind everyone's back going on in that whole circle of friends. When someone has a problem with someone, they won't confront them about it. Instead, they'll go behind their backs and badmouth them to anyone and everyone. This isn't just with Alex and Hector, I've seen it happening with the rest of the guys that live there too and it's starting to piss me off. A lot.

On the topic of talking behind people's backs, Alex still seems to be under the impression that I'm trying to make him look bad so I somehow look better. What, do I get off on keeping him down? Am I all of a sudden 'the man'? He does a good enough job of making himself look like a douchebag, he does not need any help from me. I hear the kinds of shit he says behind my back, and it just makes me want to haul off and punch him the next time I see him. I guess I'll have to ponder that one.

Point is, this is all still unresolved. Hector's thinking about getting Alex removed from the lease and replacing him with someone else, and Alex somehow got it in his head that Ross could press charges against Hector (or just talk to a cop) and because he's a mexican with two felonies he'd probably get thrown in jail again, and thus, they'd be rid of Hector. For whatever reason, Alex has banded everyone else against Hector right now, so things aren't looking good. I still say this is THEIR shit, so no one else should have to get involved, but because Alex is too much of a pussy to take care of shit on his own time, he has to get everyone else to back him up and fight for him.

I've been pissed off with his behavior lately, and not because I'm trying to be his parent, but because I don't feel like he treats me the way, well, a friend should. Of course, this goes back to telling him what I expect from him, and I'm just as guilty of it as Hector, but Alex doesn't seem to be the easiest guy to talk to. He won't shut his mouth and just listen to what anyone has to say about anything for two minutes if it has anything to remotely do with how he's got a drinking problem or doesn't have a job. I really think everyone who has a problem with him needs to start standing up to him, or nothing is ever going to change.

Fuck you, Alex. Fuck you. I honestly hope you come and beat me up for this, if it would make you feel like a bigger man. But we all know that isn't going to happen. (besides, I'm pretty sure he doesn't read my LJ, nor any of his friends that are involved in these shenanigans..thus my choice to post it here. Yes, I realize the hypocrisy in this, but I think I'm going to wait until he and Hector get resolved to confront him with my own issues)

shut up!
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