Prompt me?

Jan 05, 2014 01:14

So, apparently, my yearly routine is now: give up drawing (and social life) from October to December to write longfic for KakaIru Fest and Yuletide. I finally plugged my wacom back in yesterday, and I've been draaaaaaawing all the thiiings. (And browsing tumblr and re-discovering artistic despair, but that's just a fact of life ( Read more... )


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Comments 15

crazy4orcas January 5 2014, 07:45:51 UTC
Avengers -- Clint/Natasha (and maybe Steve?) undercover in a biker gang


pentapus January 5 2014, 23:12:56 UTC
I drew some Clint/Natasha (and a donut) undercover in the army yesterday... gonna post that later this week. I'll let you know. :P


an_kayoh January 5 2014, 09:39:19 UTC
Anything Tortall - any of the characters recovering from Midwinter excesses perhaps?


alessandriana January 5 2014, 14:19:56 UTC
Wouldn't mind seeing some illustrations from Mountain of the Rightful Emperor. Kento vs the dragon, maybe? ;)


pentapus January 5 2014, 23:11:43 UTC
Oh yeah, and I owe you a thing. Is that the thing you want? It does not have to be. I mean, prompt post is free things for everyone, depending on my attention span.


alessandriana January 5 2014, 23:23:38 UTC
UM. Well, if you were going to draw that anyways as part of the prompt post, I wouldn't say no to a second thing-- in which case, Kento/Ryo (or Kento & Ryo), whether fic or art? BUT, if you weren't going to draw that as part of the prompt post, then yes, I'll take it as my thing. :)

ok, i think i made that sufficiently confusing...



pentapus January 28 2014, 04:37:29 UTC
I made you this thing!.


impatient_dream January 5 2014, 16:04:02 UTC
Avengers: Clint, napping ninja. possibly with Natasha watching over him indulgently.
Star Trek: Uhura does not like to be in the middle of these arguments (between Spock and Kirk)
Books of the Raksura: Jade and Chime and Moon puppy pile
Teen Wolf: Stiles and Lydia working a case together

(And completely off topic: Do you make icons? Because I need a Stiles and Lydia one like whoa.)


pentapus January 5 2014, 23:07:51 UTC
I used to make chibi icons, but since lj activity seems to have died down, and icons aren't not really used the same way on tumblr... I basically don't anymore.


ithildyn January 5 2014, 20:14:37 UTC
I can't recall if LotR is one of your fandoms, but I have a prompt if you've seen the second Hobbit movie. If not, I'll ponder some more :D


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