MEME: random question quiz (Yes... I'm a Lemming)

Feb 24, 2006 07:14

The Random Question Meme!

An array of completely random questions about my friends!
Did planetpete leave the stove on again?Probably. What kind of book would cavalorn and shaiasaviya jointly write?God forbid... It would be some devilishly intelligent and historically accurate book that would revolutionise the whole concept of the world as we know it.What do you find admirable about dancing_darkly?Her ability to not let anything stop her doing what she wants to do. I can't comment on her dancing prowess but I'm sure it's phenomenal.How long have you known bridiep?Good giref... many many lots of years now. It's quite a scary thought. I'm getting old *sniff*How would walesboy1972 survive on a desert island?Hmm... by remembering all those episodes of Mcgyver and eating everyone else on the island.After a cataclysmic war, whom would you pair with serpentstar to repopulate the Earth?Hmmm....
Nope... i can't do it!

okies... easy option, I'd pair him with Bridie cos if I had to repopulate the planet I'd want it populated with lots and lots of little Kyles.Whom is ammos attracted to?Neil i should hope!What is penddraig's sexiest feature?Hmmm... I'll get back to you on that one...
Have to find someone who finds him sexy first. Any offers?
This is by heptadecagram. You can find your own completely random questions here.

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