I HAVE A newwwww livejournal!!!!!!!!!! hells yah! check it out!!!!!!!!!!!! comment to be added of just you know add me hoes! yyyaaaaaahhhhhhhh! love you courtney
ahhhhhi havent writen in my lj for such a loing time inm soooo glad i can now! i hatew 8th grade especially with out jessica no one wants to talk toi me and it suck ally is now like best freinds with alex and has forgotten all about me but w/e i still have my dog.......
hey there gangstas! my computer is broke! soooo im updating on gigi and alex's computer! i went to the galaria last night and now tonight i am going to beth sorokos bat mitzfa
im getting fat im getting tall i hate my haircut my eyes hurt from swimming my familys fighing theresa just left jessicas life sucks....so ive heard im bored