Thanks for your kind message. Albert was definitely more of a person than a cat with his big personality. I usually referred to him as my overlord rather than pet cat.
I know what you feel right now. My dog Charlie died with spinal cancer two years ago. It was so bad to live his illness with him. We had to put him to sleep because he was at danger of having his spine smashed with the cancer. He was old, 15 y.o., he'd spent so long with us, we'd grown up together. I cried a fortnight with him, seeing his pain. The cancer was so vast that in a short time (a month) he became deaf and blind. We had to feed him and give him to drink... I cried my heart out with him... And I am totally with you on your pain... After some time you'll start remembering the good times you had with Albert and it'll get better, it worked with me, it will work with you as well... Hug you tight.
Thanks for your kind message. Albert was a old cat of 15 years and I have been expecting this for years but it's still shocking and unpleasant. At least he's not suffering anymore.
Comments 8
I'm so sorry! Your poor kitty!! It's not trivial at all and I wish I was there to give you a massive sympathy hug!
He must have been a wonderfully nutty cat for you to love him so, and I'm sure you miss him very dearly.
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