Dear Mother, Father, Big Big Brother, Middle Big Brother, Little Big Brother, Big Big Sister, Middle Big Sister, Little Big Sister and all my nieces and nephews (I'd write them out, but I might run out of paper!),
I got your last letter just fine--it looks like the postal service hasn't been affected by the arguments between Vohemar and Ivona. I wish I were on a ship that could go back home to Berum, though. I miss everybody!
I told you about the Victoria II''s last mission to that horrible cold place in my last letter. Well, I got a little 'souvenir' from it! They rescued all sorts of strange animals, and I adopted one of them---or maybe she adopted me. Little Meg is adorable and I think she wants to say hello!
*small Togepi foot prints in ink cross the page*
All she ever says is 'Togepi' or 'Togepreeee', but she's adorable and loves to cuddle. She also likes to take my pudding.
I've become friends with several of the other passengers on the ship, so don't worry about me being lonely! Miss Susan is wonderfully intelligent, and loves chocolate almost as much as I do (except she doesn't like nougat, which is a bit odd, but that just leaves more for everyone else!). Miss Matilda is the most adorable young lady and (I think) is Miss Susan's student. There's even royalty here! Lord Larsa (I really must ask if he's a prince or simply a lord) from Erealia is traveling on the ship, along with his friend, Mr. Al-Cid. (That's what he told me to call him--I don't think he likes Mr. Margrace or Lord Margrace very much). Mr. Al-Cid himself is very polite, and I just love spending time with him. He wants to take me to one of his palaces one day!
Now, Big Big Brother.....*the letter continues on for several pages, with Millie asking questions, giving advice, and requesting pictures. The finished letter is roughly six or seven pages, front and back, and has a few pictures (of herself, some of the crew, and Al-Cid with Larsa, Susan and Matilda) enclosed with it. The enevelope has "The Monthly Millie" stamped on it.*