Title: The Midas Touch
Author: Pepper
Rating: PG (it's all in your mind)
Disclaimer: Recognisable characters not mine.
Pairing(s): Sam/Teal'c
Summary: Wherein Jack learns that he should knock and wait.
A/N: From a discussion in
linnet_101's lj, where I said that Teal'c "once helped Sam to paint her entire body gold, after she'd finally got up the courage to ask him about his reasons for the make-up. It made her look a bit jaundiced." And
moonshayde said someone should write it. And then
linnet_101 was encouraging me to write drabbles for to kick off my mood of meh. So...
Jack hit the door sharply with the back of his knuckles, and then opened it. "Teal'c, you want to come t-" He broke off abruptly, eyes widening dramatically. "Whoa!" All Daniel heard from inside the room was a suspiciously familiar feminine squeak, before Jack practically leapt back out, shutting the door with a snap. He stayed still, staring at the door, eyes wide, for several long, silent moments.
"Jack?" asked Daniel, carefully.
Jack turned to look unseeingly at him. He opened his mouth. "I..." He trailed off, and then shook his head and began again. "I don't think Teal'c will be coming to lunch." He cleared his throat, eyes still very wide.
Daniel stared at Jack and tilted his head enquiringly.
Jack blinked several times. "I - I think he's busy right now." There was a soft click, and they both turned to stare at the door. Someone had just locked it from the inside. Jack stepped back slightly. "Oh, boy."
"Jack, what-"
Daniel was rudely interrupted by Jack grabbing his collar and hauling him rapidly away down the corridor. "Don't ask," said Jack, tightly. "Don't ever, ever ask."
(And if someone wants to write the other side of this, feel free. I'm no good at the pR0n.)