Disclaimer, so no one calls the police: this is the fictional diary of Sir Guy of Gisborne from the Robin Hood BBC TV series. This season he basically has two settings: homicidal or suicidal, so please also consider this a trigger warning.
Disclaimer 2: I think the writers of this show are making it up as they go along.
12th October, in this the year of our Lord 1194
Dear Diary,
Robin has come up with a plan. I do not know if it is madness or brilliance - probably a bit of both. He wishes to take Nottingham, imprison Isabella, and to defend the town against all comers until the King returns.
I have committed myself to this cause, and so I told the outlaws about the tunnel the Sheriff had built under the castle after we returned from the Holy Land. I bless the Sheriff's paranoia: it was known only to me, the Sheriff, and the men who built it - whom I had killed - and so now only I live to hold its secrets. We are to use the peasants as soldiers, after all. Robin has such a strange hold over them. Had they been pressed into service, they would have been afraid, unhappy, weak - useless as soldiers. But because Robin asks them, because he lights them with his own passion, they are willing - eager, even!
But there are ill omens for this venture. We have heard that Isabella has a new lieutenant, one James Blamire. I know him. He is a mercenary, and a friend - as much as the man ever had them - of the old Sheriff. I do not like that Isabella has now found him - I mistrust what it means. Even if I ignore the shiver of superstition that I feel, Blamire cannot be underestimated. He is clever, and entirely ruthless.
And yesterday we found part of Isabella's necklace in camp. It belonged to our mother, and she cherished it. I am puzzled as to how it got there, but no doubt there is some innocent explanation. I am getting as paranoid as the Sheriff! Nevertheless, I showed it to Robin and Tuck. For a moment they doubted me! As if I would be so stupid as to tell them of its origin, if I were still in league with my sister.
And another odd occurrence, although I do not know if I would consider it an ill omen: Kate has disappeared, and we do not know why. Robin seems disturbed, but I confess I am quietly relieved. She once described me as "pure evil", and I do not think my actions since have gentled her opinion one whit.
Even with Robin's luck, we may not return from this venture, so I have told Tuck the location of Meg's grave, and he has promised to say a Mass for her soul. And so I am prepared, and tomorrow we go to Nottingham. God help us all.