Apr 18, 2007 17:51
First of all, it is a relief to learn that in fact, I am not of two utterly estranged minds and disjointed bodies, one living humbly here in Vermont while my alter ego lives large in Korea- no, I have been the victim of identity theft. Luckily my bank, being smart, realized that I am not the sort of person to drop thousands of dollars on purchases in Korea, and stopped the insanity before I was utterly ruined. In fact, I am not ruined at all, and just without a debit card for about a week while I am issued a new one. Ah well.
In other news:
I've gotten three letters from UVM in the past two weeks- one from my faculty adviser, one from the Graduate College, and one from the Nursing department. I suppose that this is what happens in a university, when departments get big and not so interconnected, but I find their lack of synchronicity hilarious. Also, I will never get tired of the opening lines. The personalities of the writers really shine through. The Graduate College used four nested dependent clauses and a lot of passive voice ("It is a pleasure to inform you that your application for acceptance to candidacy for the master's degree in Nursing has been approved for the semester beginning Summer 2007"- could they have even found a wordier way to say that?), and the letter from the Nursing Department just said "Congratulations! You've been accepted . . . "
However, better still than all these was the following sentence:
"In planning for your clinical experiences, please be aware that you will need to show evidence of having met prerequisites for clinical practice before the first day of the semester in which you will begin your initial clinical experience."
In case you missed the exciting bit there, I'll make it obvious. "You will begin your initial clinical experience. Swoon.
I've officially moved to Allison's house at this point, so if you want to find me, find me there.