Those of you that know my friend Allison have already seen this. Those who don't . . . haven't. Suffice to say that Allison is a lovely human being and deserves all the help which she can get.
Allison is a teacher for Unitarian Universalist youth and is trying to put together a curriculum on religious diversity. Please, read on (and pass it along if you feel so inclined). I will let her explain this herself. From me, please take a stab at this (and if you're moved, post the responses in my journal, too; I am curious)! From Allison:
Religion and Belief Survey
I’m working on a curriculum for Unitarian Universalist Youth Groups which explores the beliefs of a variety of religions, trying to help give the youth a better understanding, and respect, of the beliefs held by practitioners of different faiths.
In order to do this effectively, I need some help from folks of different faiths. I have a session in the curriculum that looks at the variety of beliefs held by people who might be categorized as belonging to the same religion. So, I’m looking for the answers to a couple of questions. Depending on responses, I might be using some of the information gathered in this survey for other sections of the curriculum as well.
I’m looking for what you believe in these topics; please answer as best you can!
Also, please feel free to give copies of this survey to friends and family who might be interested in sharing their responses. I am looking for a wide diversity of responses and welcome the help of spreading out the survey to a wider audience!
The answers to these questions can be e-mailed to me at: (Please put “Religion Survey” in the subject line!), or mailed to me at 272 State Street, Apt 4. Portland ME, 04101.
I’d like to receive completed surveys by August 31st. Thanks!
Can I use your first name in the curriculum? Yes No
(If not, do you have a preference for a particular fake name )
Current place of residence:
E-mail: (This is the best way for me to be able to get in touch with you if I have more questions and so I can send you a copy of the section I use your answers in):
What general faith grouping would you consider yourself a part of?
Buddhist Christian Islamic Jewish Pagan Hindu
More specifically, which of the following belief categories do you consider yourself to belong to? (Circle all that you feel apply)
Agnostic Anglican Assemblies of God Atheist Baha’i
Baptist Buddhist Catholic Christian Science Church of Christ
Church of Nazarene Confucianism Congregational Church
Eastern Orthodox Foursquare Hindu Islamic Jehovah’s Witness
Jewish Latter-day Saint Lutheran Mennonite Methodist
Mormon Pagan Pentecostal Presbyterian Protestant
Quaker Scientology Seventh Day Adventist Shinto Sikh
Taoist Unitarian Universalist United Church of Christ
Is there anything else that you’d like to note as to your religion “categorization”?
For the sake of this curriculum, I’m looking at getting some general comments in regard to beliefs. Please take the time to answer these questions as best you can, and if you are uncertain as to your beliefs in response to a question, please say so.
What beliefs do you hold in regard to a higher power/being?
What happens after we die?
Do those who don’t hold the same beliefs of you have a different fate after death?
Are there any religious customs that you follow (dress, diet, etc.)
Do you follow the teachings of particular prophet/philosopher/person?
What texts do you hold as having great meaning within your faith?
Please read through and complete the release on the next page -
Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions.
Allison Gammons
272 State Street Apt 4.
Portland ME, 04101
I, ___________________________ give Allison Gammons permission to use my
(print your name above)
responses to the “Religion and Belief Survey” in her curriculum “Challenging Faiths.” I
understand that I will be given the opportunity to review what pieces of my responses
will be used, and look at the final product before publication or circulation.
Signed________________________________ Date___________________
Thanks guys!
In other news, tonight for dinner I made crepes filled with creamy and cheesy swiss chard and kale. We ate them with a mediocre red wine, but the cumulative effect was, nevertheless, spectacular. One of my better dinner efforts. We will have the leftover crepes for dessert, filled with vanilla ice cream and maple syrup. Mmmmm . . .