Just exercized my Bon Card. Life is good. Got a couple new things. And kick ass flip flops. And a supercool reversible belt ... black on one side, brown on the other. What more could a person want? Good times
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You're extremely talented and creative - the work you did on LandEscapes was awesome. You will definitely get in somewhere. The Spokesman may not have worked out, but you still have applications out there, so don't give up! However, if you decide journalism's not for you, well, I'm always willing to take our karaoke act on the road. We do one hot "Love Shack," that's for sure.
Just don't get down on yourself. This business we're in is freakin' tough. Chin up, sister friend!
(P.S. - My Duran Duran tour goods are making me quite the happy girl these days - superficiality rules!)
Thanks, sweetie. I might have to take you up on that whole karaoke tour. Our rendition of Love Shack is hot. Actually I'm starting to strongly consider doing the summer Ev thing. As in editor. What do you think?
I think you should apply. Talk to Jonalynn about it. She was in a tough spot because of Anna leaving, but I think it was a really valuable experience for her.
Comments 4
Just don't get down on yourself. This business we're in is freakin' tough. Chin up, sister friend!
(P.S. - My Duran Duran tour goods are making me quite the happy girl these days - superficiality rules!)
Actually I'm starting to strongly consider doing the summer Ev thing. As in editor. What do you think?
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