I've been dipping into various spoilers across the web, which means that I've been in close proximity to the people I usually avoid. That means the people who hate Sookie, and the people who hate CH. You know the ones I mean, the people who complain that CH has sold out, extended her contract way past due, and is, in the process, "ruining" Eric. It
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Comments 24
TV’s to blame? How very Odd of you. ;)
Right *here* is where I’d go on my standard rant about US public schools doing a similar number on thought processes, but I think I’ll stop myself. This time. JanineMNM
Lol - I've been reading him all week. He's so sweet and lovely. And I read the graphic novels, which just made me cry because they were about him and Stormy being together. I think I'm going to cry a lot when the series ends, because that will be Odd's death.
Eh. The problem isn't just with USians though. Our school system is good, and even children who go to my son's school (which is private and has high standards) do this shit. So I think public school might be a part of that, but laziness has become a way of life.
Oh, I'll cry too. He's my favorite. But I want him to be with Stormy.
Laziness drives me nuts.
I do want him to be with Stormy. I'd love that. I was just thinking today about the epilogue, which will probably be written by Ozzie. Which will also make me cry. Lol - so much crying. And Odd mentions at least once a book that the books will be published only after his death, which gives me a sad moment and then a happy moment knowing he's with Stormy as I read.
It's only encouraged nowadays. Makes me sad.
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