So, I've been gone for ages! I would not be at all surprised if a bunch of you wrote me off as possibly dead and permanently missing in action. I know I have the inbox of a thousand fanfic updates and also pleas of "WHERE YOU GO????" So mea culpa - I feel so damn guilty. Time to explain myself
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Comments 25
Very sweet kitty. She sounds like the cat for you - investigating and researching everything, testing her theories. A match made in kitty-heaven.
She *is* well suited for us. She was scratching the shit out of the kids at the shop who were poking her. That's a point in her favour. Not in her favour - her habit of galloping noisier than a horse across wooden floors at 3am. Although that just usually makes me laugh. :D
The joy of dogs is you can crate train them to stop them doing just that. Ahhh! The joys of sleep filled nights.
You can still buy cats from shops in Oz? Really? Sad times :(
You can - but we went to a shop where they have rescue kittens. Basically, cat shelters farm them out to various pet shops all around the place, so you don't have to go to a shelter. Myth was dumped just outside the shop, so she was a direct rescue.
Myth seems like a perfect pet. I love that name. I love black cats too. I gave my sister a black kitten for her birthday once. I miss having a kitten. They're so much fun. My husband is not a fan of cats. Everytime I asked for a kitten we end up with a baby instead. So not going there anymore.
She was originally called "Meth" by the boys - for her night time jaunts around the house at high speed, but Mr. Minty insisted on a change so that he could tell the vet something respectable. :P
What do you mean you don't want more babies! You've gotten your old litter up to spec! Lol - I know what you mean. Funnily enough, it's like having a toddler again. And both Mr. Minty and I extend our cluckiness towards the cat. I even handcraft her feather toys so that she can destroy them with impunity.
I am jealous of your kitten. You'll have to post pictures and updates.
HA HA I hit 50 back in May If I had a new one it would be like making my own grand child. No thanks. I'd rather have a cat.
I will post more pictures, as soon as I take them. Worthfighting4 is enjoying vicarious kitty action too via email. :D Cats are much nicer than children, so I wholeheartedly agree with the cat/child substitute. :D
Darn pets...just like kids taking up way too much time and so often looking so darn cute.
I'm not sure how I feel about AD...trying to let it sink in.
But I'm so glad to see you post and looking forward to more!
She's so fluffy and adorable. Although sometimes she gives me a look like she thinks I'm a batshit crazy monkey who does weird stuff like go into a cubicle and shower myself with water.
I'm going to have to read it again, not at a full clip, but I think I'll do that when my hardcover gets here, so I can see the artwork in full colour.
I'll post this afternoon, after work and before dinner. :D
The cover and endpapers are beautifully in color but the rest is all black and white. One of the things I love about LD's art is all the bright I was admitedly a bit disappointed.
I would check in to see if you had posted. Glad to have you back. I haven't read the books although I have heard good things.
Oh poor little thing. Myth hasn't had any problems, thank goodness, but she's an inside cat, so I'm hoping she doesn't have too many. When I have taken her outside, the birds have intimidated her. At the moment, she's sleeping on my printer and I can see her foot twitch out of the corner of my eye while she's having a lovely dream. Keystrokes have become the bird's beaks clacking as she kills them. :D
They're good stuff. I've got to think some more about them, because there's an overarching mystery - and I have James Marsters to talk me through it all. Luckily, there's a wiki for it, so I won't have to turn to fanfic for my questions on how other people think.
He's tried being king of our skinks but, while I removed the one from the dining room, the one in the pantry still remains free despite the odd sighting. Also he likes to chew cords and did kill a power supply to the laptop, but the computer mouse remains at large. One day he will get it though :)
So he's very sad :)
Lol - I love his little antics. It was hearing of the craziness of Earl that got me thinking maybe we should get a cat. So now I can sit looking at the new "legs akimbo splayed over the edge of the printer" and enjoy a little bit of Earl in my own home.
I should send you all the old mice I keep for some god forsaken reason after their buttons break, and then see a new mouse and think "Fuck it, they're only $10" and buy a new one. It's a disease thinking "OMG, what if I can't click something late one Sunday night! I'll be glad I kept the mice then!"
But he thinks he's a cuddly toy, and mostly just pretends he hasn't seen that strange cat wandering through our house :)
Computer mice are only interesting if they are being moved by someone. Just lying around they don't have the same appeal. But clicking is a dying art anyway - I have a 3 yr old who can't use a mouse but can swipe away at the iPad and find anything she wants :)
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