1. Using FOOD names, spell out your name.
Rabbit food (shrug)
Iceberg lettuce
2. What song makes you cry?
Gary Jules' remake of Mad World
3. What do you listen to before bed?
music from my i-tunes in auburn, tv/phone in jackson
4. A P P E A R A N C E :
Height: 5'8"
Hair color: brown
Eye color: blue with flecks of hazel i have been told
Piercings: 1 in my right ear, 2 in my left, belly button
Tattoos: none, working on that one tho
5. R I G H T N 0 W :
Pants you're wearing: jeans
What's on your mind: getting thru the work day and making dinner, the GRE
Song are you listening to: "Control" by Poe(yay ipod!!!)
What taste is in your mouth: cinnamon gum
6. D 0 Y 0 U :
Get motion sickness: not unless i drank way too much the night before
Have a bad habit: biting my nails
Get along with your parents: my mom definitely, my dad is a touch and go thing
7. F A V 0 R I T E S :
TV Show: CSI
Conditioner: dont really have a favorite
Magazine: better homes and gardens. I know that sounds really lame but i like the food ideas and seeing pictures of food is fun.
8. H A V E Y 0 U :
Broken the law: yea, but i do a pretty good job of getting out of things.
Ran away from home: i left for a couple days, but I told my dad i was leaving, so i guess it isnt quite the same.
Made a prank phone call: yea, sleep overs used to be all about this in middle school
Used your parents credit card: yea and they took it away
Fallen asleep in the shower/bath: i've passed out in the shower, not fallen asleep
Had children: nope
9. R A N D 0 M:
Your CD player has in it right now: double drive
If you were a crayon, what color would u be? turquoise
What makes you happy: my friends and my animals
Next CD your gunna get: no idea, ill prolly download something next weekend tho
Last time you cried: last weekend
Last time you got a real letter: 7th or 8th grade, i cant remember when i gave up on pen-pals that i left back in california after 6th grade
Last time you go an e-mail: today
Last TV program you watched: Fox 10 News
Last movie you saw at the theatre: The Break-up....soon to be PIRATES!!!!!
Do you wish on stars: sometimes
Last person you talked to on the phone: stephanie
Favorite drink: sierra mist free
Favorite month: december (lots of off time from school and work)
Favorite food: turkey enchilada cassarole
Favorite day of the year: Christmas
What do you do to prevent anger: rip up paper
What was your favorite toy as a child: teenage mutant ninja turtles
Fall or Spring: FALL hands down
Cherry or Blueberry: Cherry
Who is the friend you have had the longest: well ive had some friends forever, im just not close to them. i think the friend i have had the longest that i am still real close to is Alison.
What did you do last night: slept after driving five hours back to jackson
What inspires you: being financially independant
What are you afraid of: drowning, being alone
Plain, cheese or spicy hamburger: cheese
Favorite car: im not big into cars. I want a nice big truck one day tho, so i can run over ppl that piss me off.
Number of keys on your keyring: im not going to count for you, thats retarded
Favorite day of the week: Saturday
How many states have you lived in: 7 and 1 other country
How many cities have you lived in: 11
1. Do you like anyone? i have an ideal in my head that i like. but no one in particular right now
2. Do they know it? yes my imaginary guy Ted is aware of all my thoughts.
3. Simple or complicated? ill let Ted answer that one.
4. Had sex? this survey just keeps getting more and more intimate
5. Bought anything? of course
6. Went bike riding? No
7. Played a sport? No
8. Felt dumb? sometimes im in denial
9. Talked to an ex? nope
10. Missed someone? Yeah
11. Failed a test? nope, no classes for me this semester. major SCORE-age!!!
12. Ate cereal? duh
13. Danced Crazy? all the time
14. Got your hair cut? yep, for the first time in a long time as a matter of fact
15. Double Jointed? nope
16. Nervous habits? yep
17. Two different color eyes? no
18. Can you roll your "r"s? when i speak-a in espanol!
19. Can you raise one eyebrow? lol this is a key ingredient in one of my signature facial expressions.
20. Can you cross your eyes? yep
21. Do you make your bed daily? do i ever make my bed??? if i do, you better ask me what is wrong.
22. Do you think you are unique? no, ive decided im a carbon copy of everyone around me. oh and on Wednesdays, we wear pink!
23. Given money to a homeless person? yea
24. Said "I Love you" and meant it? i only say it when i mean it
25. Gave into peer pressure? lol i am the peer pressure!
26. Waited all night for a phone call? ive wanted to hear a certain someone on the phone all night. but i havent staked out at the phone or anything.
27. And never got it? you win some, you lose some. you move on.
28. Sat and looked at the stars? yea, im a bit of a goof.
29. Do you cuss? Yes
30. Do you ever talk back to people? im sure they deserved it for some reason or another
31. You cook your own food? sometimes
32. Do your own chores? yep if they are necessary
33. Do you like beef jerky? nope, they make that stuff out of cow forehead and noses and stuff...shudder
34. You like pepsi or coke? coke
35. You're happy with your hair? Yes
36. You own a dog? Yes i own many animals. and my animals in turn own me.
37. Do you open doors? how else are you supposed to get thru them? i even use my super secret powers at opening automatic doors. i have a massive brain capacity for such acts of magic.
39. When you get bored do you call a friend? yea
40. Are you patient? depends on what i am waiting on
41. Flowers or candy? Flowers
42. Gray or black? Black
43. Color or black and white photos? Black and white
45. Lust or Love? Love
46. Winter or Summer? Summer
47. Tea or coffee? coffee flavored stuff, not actual coffee. and im in love with sweet tea.
48. Ice cream or cake? cake, but not chocolate
49. Christmas or Thanksgiving? Christmas
50. Day or night? Night