I suspect the first conscious Twin Peaks clone was Wild Palms, which - like The X-Files - appeared in 1993, although the comic strip dated back to 1990.
I always thought that Wild Palmss was a brave experiment that didn't quite work. It had such lovely things - people hallucinating cathedrals, Ben Savage's psychopathic child - but things that tried too hard to be quirky or satirical, such as the rhino dreams and the scientology piss-takes etc. I think it might have worked better with a less wooden leading man - although it was the best performance James Belushi ever gave, that really isn't saying much. If I could be arsed I'd dig back through my LJ to the review I did about 3 years ago.
Comments 3
OK, I just did: http://moral-vacuum.livejournal.com/61132.html
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