The conflicting beliefs of the fanatically religious

Feb 24, 2011 18:27

Atheists don't need or want the judgment of religious fundamentalists. It is disturbing how much they hate us, especially when they frequently don't understand their own beliefs.

I don't usually post links, or follow links, but this made me happy. A Christian fundamentalist calls up an atheist talk show to tell them they are damned to hell, and he is left stumbling over his words when he gets called out to back up his claims he says there are "lots" of examples for:

image Click to view

It gets even better when they ask him if he believes in a biblical 6,000-10,000 year old Earth. His church will probably not be too happy with him next Sunday.

I just wish more fanatical believers would keep all their hate-filled messages of "yer goin' to hell for not believin'" to themselves. Seriously. Or better yet, actually think about what it is they believe and why, instead of regurgitating what has been spoon fed to them from the pulpit. Why do so many believers (not all, but many) claim they believe in a god of "love" but at the same time believe this god will happily torture people for all eternity for petty "crimes" like not accepting this god "on faith"?

I see no reason to believe in such a god. It sickens me when I hear things like "well what is stopping you from raping/murdering/eating babies if you don't believe?" The sort of people that ask that question are not the sort of people I would want to meet in a dark alley. Or a public street during the day. It is frightening how often I see that argument, too. Do these people have so little ability to think for themselves that they think the only way to know right from wrong is based on the rambling threats of some god in a dubious book that has been translated and edited and changed for centuries upon centuries?

There was a hilarious picture that has been going around that pretty much sums up the ridiculousness of the fundamentalist experience:

Apparently they didn't read all of Leviticus though, like the very next chapter.

Leviticus 19:28 Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD

I hope the asshole with that tattoo catches all kinds of, pardon the expression, hell for that, especially from his church.

I am not attacking all believers. I think you can believe whatever you want. I just have a problem with people telling everyone that we atheists are evil, doomed to hell, incapable of morality, not deserving of being a US citizen, or should be executed because we see no evidence for a god and we don't think the Bible is a very good guide to morality.


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