Tweets of the day

Jan 15, 2009 00:12

  • 00:15 @ Caius I am kind to those who deserve it ;) #
  • 00:20 the problem with caffine intake is needing to pee.. #
  • 00:27 balls - finished placing the pages and forgot the front page. *balls*. #
  • 00:31 what order should these images go in? the order I use them, the order of rooms, or something else?? #
  • 00:39 @ kianryan has turned into a knife wielding crazed man. #
  • 00:53 feck how do I do french fold books in InDesign?? #
  • 00:54 @ MungoBumbleroot yes, but you've seen me in a short skirt.. :D #
  • 00:55 found a solution - it only works on macs. Fuckers. #
  • 01:11 @ MungoBumbleroot you can always borrow my chest plate.. #
  • 01:40 @ MungoBumbleroot - look what @kianryan does with it.. #
  • 01:42 guess how old I was in that photo - that's me in the middle.. #
  • 02:33 @ tiggsybabes welcome to the night of working cat. #
  • 02:40 *love* #
  • 06:15 may just start crying soon. #
  • 06:22 really need to write this presentation. *cries* #
  • 06:32 @ stlemur if you call the first really assessment since I started my degree ok, then yeah - just having trouble writing that's all. #
  • 07:43 @ ruby_gem but I have all the stress relief with having three cats :P #
  • 07:51 I hope the guy at Jacobs phones this morning. I really want to collect my new flash today while I'm still awake. #
  • 10:20 I had a nap. flash has arrived at Jacobs. Want my bed. #
  • 13:56 Time to go home. Train hath arrived. #
  • 13:57 Got drink and food to eat on way home. Also got change for the bus home. #
  • 16:36 how do I tell a company that I don't like the "terms" that they sent me #
  • 16:47 do you reckon Bush ever wears a clippy bow tie? Rob Lowe looks good in black tie btw.. #
  • 16:53 @ Caius I'd quite like to be polite about this. #
  • 17:10 its very cold in the house. #
  • 21:53 So tired. Must keep goal in sight. Now time to sleep. #
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