Gabriel is his bro. Literally. Castiel has a lot of resentment pointed toward him for the way he rebelled and ran away from heaven, but it's conflicted-flavored resentment, because, well … he is his brother. When he first arrived at the Port, he was so lost and confused he actually gave following Gabriel's orders a shot. Sticking together was supposed to be a good thing, in theory. But since then, he's more or less got his bearing (as much as Cas will ever get his bearings) and is back to resentment/harsh criticism/deeply buried brotherly love.
This kid somehow became Castiel's closest human connection in the port. He first talked to Luca and was … weirded out and concerned for this little kid and his soul bargaining with demons. So when he saw Alois on the NV feed he tried to talk to him about it and Alois basically screamed at him about God and blame him for everything wrong in life. But Cas took it and kept being concerned for him. And since Alois has become invested in teaching Cas about human things, he accepts his presence and sometimes shares stories about angel life with him in exchange (while not hesitating to tell him he's an annoying little shit in Cas language.) They've talked and become close enough that Castiel does care about his well-being in some capacity. To sum it up, Cas is basically drawn to dysfunctional brother sets and Alois has somehow become his small blond Dean.
He's the Jesus Lion. How can Castiel not care about the Jesus Lion? Even if he isn't THE Jesus, he recognizes that Aslan is … some kind of Jesus and treats him with reverence. When he was still seeking orders to follow, he talked to Aslan, who basically told him to go forth and help people. He still tries to do that.
A sweet little girl. Castiel helped her take care of ducks and talked to her about the nature of angels. He even made snow angels with her once. Because she asked.
A friend. He's had several conversations with Hope about several things, anything from names and animals to dreams to … hockey. He found Hope's dog for him when it got lost. He likes Hope, and respects his opinions.
His first conversation with Luca was about demons, because Luca was somehow under the impression that demons were nice and benevolent and awesome. And this was not okay with Castiel in so many ways, especially in the way where a demon made a deal with this tiny child. IS THAT EVEN LEGAL??? He's still concerned for him, especially after becoming closer to Alois. If there was a way to fix the hot tranny mess that is Luca's life (even though Luca is … oblivious to it), he would.
His first impression of Tom was "Wow this guy sure does sound/look/kind of act like the Dean guy I was supposed to save." So he shows up as a ping on Castiel's caring radar. They have bro adventures. Like when Castiel drank three bars in the Port (it's a long story) and Tom escorted him home. And when Tom decided to take it upon himself to educate Castiel when it came to human shit and took him to a hockey game.
Castiel relates to Amalthea because they both spend most of their time going "what the fuck is it with humans …" . She's a friend, too. And he's more likely to confide in her than most of his human friend-like-things because she's more likely to understand his perspective. Not that he ever really has confided in her. But if he needed to, he would.
Lucifer is his brother … but he isn't his brother??? It's some confusing shit for Castiel. As can be expected, he has a lot of hate and resentment and generally unpleasant feelings for Lucifer. But Lucifer's been like DUDE YOU NEED TO CHILL I'M NOT LIKE THAT ANYMORE so many times he's begrudgingly accepted his presence in the Port. Even if he does hide in the shadows and glare at him. Because he's going to screw up and bring hell on earth sometime. And when he does, Castiel will be there.
Raphael is the brother-but-not-brother that Castiel actually cares about. Ever since Cas showed up at the Port, Raphael has treated him with kindness and has always been willing to help him out with anything, even letting him stay with him once he was evicted from his starter apartment. This is the angel Cas has the most brother-like feelings toward. Even when he pokes and prods and makes Cas feel uncomfortable about his lovelife. When Mikael showed up, he left the apartment because he thought Raphael wanted space to be alone with him (even if that's a misguided opinion.)
Magneto is one of the people at the Port who ask Castiel questions that make him doubt God and his plans and generally … make him unhappy inside. But he keeps talking to him because he wants to understand and sway him toward a more positive opinion of God. And they've hard conversations about their hard soldier lives.
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