hey babe hey babe hey babe~~~~~~~~~ drop meme

Dec 24, 2008 14:53

THIS IS MORE FOR MY REFERENCE because I am at nine right now. I will hit ten the next time I can app because I have a few apps I wish to do. A by a few I can't count less than 5 characters I want to still app. AJ cannot feasibly play 10 characters at CFUD. Well, I mean, I could. But most likely I don't have the attention span.

Safe: Aeris, Arthur, Dietrich

• Aeris is amazing I love her a lot. I am at the point where I kind of just go \o/ o well, maybe I'm not to canon but I don't care. In that I don't really pay attention too much. Maybe I should. But I don't see me dropping Aeris any time soon. Also I am making new icons for her and fwaaaa my love for her never stops.

-> bodyswitch with Mukuro. I really want to use this icon.
-> Deage someday! AJ love deaging and I have some cute doujin with cute tiny!Aeris in them.

She's the one character who can make relationships on her own, talk to people on her own, doesn't alienate everyone she meets and in general is just. Yeah. Aeris. Sometimes I run out of energy for her, since she's a pretty high energy character, but whatever. Mine.

• Arthur is new. Also Jaime and I have been dicking around and you can pry him from my cold dead fingers. At least, right now. That is how I feel on the subject.

-> finish icons
-> maybe do Merlin's icons
-> intro!!!!

• Dietrich is weird because I know I will drop him someday. He will inevitably get himself into something I can't get him out of and I will just decide to drop him. On the other hand one of the reasons he does that is because there's no controlling force. He answers to Contra Mundi and Isaak, and no one in camp except Mukuro gives him that sort of... tug. Dietrich doesn't do well with absolute topping (unless you're Mein herr, and even then there is some amount of leniency allowed, considering what happens down the road in canon). It's good if he knows you can fuck him up and he can fuck you up and there's a sort of odd... existence. IDK. But I really love playing him, so he'll stick around as long as I can keep him.

UNSURE: Minagi, Mukuro, Tokio, Monica

• I adore Minagi. A fuck ton. She is amazing to play and a lot of fun and she gives me the confrontational fighter I need. ON THE OTHER HAND she will never get deep relationships (probably) and I would feel okay dropping her (probably). If Kakizaki-kun goes she might follow, I can't tell right now. I think she is a blast to play but it's hard to gauge if other people think so too or what. And while RP isn't about other people, if I am overstacked it's easier to pick which ones fit better in CFUD as which to keep :|b

-> idk. Fight club.

On one hand I want someone to app her sister. On the other I am almost entirely sure no one ever will so it seems a bit of a moot point. The canon is only 54 pages and it's super short and maybe it's not 'canon-y enough' or whatnot. Eye dee kay. She is one of my favorites to play.

• Tokio. Muchly in the same boat as Minagi. Only he has more relationships. Sort of. He's the other half of my favorite things ever. But I know if I dropped him I think... three characters would notice he was gone. Which is low compared to some of my others and ahhh overstacked means I cut from the easiest to get rid of.

-> do retardedly cute things with Chrome and Canada

• Monica. I play her for the lols. I love playing her! She is funtastic! Same deal as the other two only with more heart ripping and a more unattractive personality and boobs.

-> Shanking

• Mukuro. Oh lol. I considered putting him in the 'safe' category. But if push really came to shove idk. We have the best Kokuyou cast ever and I love playing him but sometimes I just feel very. Out of things to do. Which is dumb, and I probably just need to putter about with other people but I am still very worried about mis-stepping. I don't know why! But I have this feeling that as soon as I do something Amano will PUNCH ME IN THE FACE. It hasn't happened yet, but. He was more in danger when I was like ugyuuuuuuu everything about Reborn bores me to teaaaarrrss. But I got out of that phase. I really need to get him to meet new people, but. Ahh.

-> No plans yet ):

DANGER DANGER: Yoi-te and Yuuto

... which I'll just talk about together cos. Yes. Basically... still my weakest characters x3. I still don't feel settled with either of them. I don't plan on dropping them, but they're more in consideration than others. Both are pretty co-dependent, which puts me in a :| place on dropping as well, and the Nabari Cast and Den-O cast are TOO AMAZING for words. So. I kind of want to not leave cast ):

I am trying to see what Kamatani gives us for Nabari, but it's monthly and I am so tiiiiiiiired of the nothing feeling from the more recent chapters. 55 MIGHT BE PROMISING THO.

/o\ I can't shaje my uneasyness with Yuuto's voice. As much as I love him I feel very. Suck. I need to canon review. I'll do that after Christmas with both of these and we'll see what's up.

... tbh I might drop one of the Possibles before the DangerDangers cos. Yeah.

Basically I find myself approaching double digits, unsure if I am going to be able to keep all of them active and the apps don't seem like they're ending any time soon OTL.
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