Hello, this is my first tutorial, requested by
xxmannequin .
original --> base --> remade
original image (c) rawr_caps
1. I started with this base (just cropped the original image, didn't add something at all. This is boring center crop but I couldn't invent another variant
2. This image seems a little dark so I copied the base and set to screen 40% opacity
It's still looks dark ( and to be honest I don't know why I added light close to the end of the process)
3. time for Selective color layer
Cyans +100 | 0 | -100 | 0
this layer made the backgroung look more blueish but not enough for me so just copy this layer
4. another Selective color layer
Reds 0 | 0 | -13 | 0
5. time for curves ( I love them very much and ofthen start with them)
RGB output 209 input 128
this layer adds a lot of light
6. new fill layer - solid color # 7c812d set it on soft light 100% opacity
7. again Selective color layer
Reds 0 | 0 | -28 | 0
8. now it's time to merge layers to the new layer ( ctrl + shift + alt + e)
9. filter - blur- gaussian blur type 2,6
I set this layer to soft light and then play with setting of this layers but now I need to show how the layers should look like
this is our blured layer without any changes
blured | set on soft light
I don't like that image looks red again so I change some colors setting of blured layer
be sure that you've chosen blured layer
Image - Adjustments - curves
RGB output 155 input 108
Blue out 106 in 140
blured | set to soft light
again I'm not satisfied. Image - Adjustments - Selective color - Neutrals 0 | -15 | 0 | 0
10. time for contrast. there are a lot of ways but I like working with black and white brushes and bluring them on new layer
so create new layer and make some point with black where you'd like to see shadow and white where you want to add light
then blur this layer filter - blur- gaussian blur type ( 3-8) set this layer to soft light 30 - 50% opacity
in this case I typed 5,7 at blur mode and set to 50%
11. press ctrl + shift + alt + e
filter- sharpen- smart sharpen 25 | 0,5
then I compared the result with original icon and desided to add curves layer
curves - blue out 130 in 113
and here we are.
thank you for attention
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