I'm back! I've neglected my journal for AGES, but I'm back. I've just been very busy with work/looking for a job. I'm also developing a renewed taste for Phantasy Star. I can't wait to get back online.
As far as the job hunt goes, I've had no luck at all. I'm sick of being stagnent and stuck. I'm sick of wanting to move, but not being able to
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Comments 10
I am of the belief that masturbation as a meir physical act without fantisization is walking dangerously close to Coveting.
Any other thoughts for descussion?
"Everyone Masterbates" is a total myth. There are PLENTY of people who don't masterbait. I didnt do it till age 21 and that was only after I was fed empty promises about it being "healthy". Think of Priests and Nuns and Brothers in the Catholic Church. They are called to a life of salvacy, and though they call it a struggle, they are living proof that it isn't impossable.
As for Masterbation and your relationship with God, You yourself are quite blessed in having your religious counceller at hand. I think you should go to Adam and ask him if it's wrong. If you should do it. If you should obstain.
Also check up on some Greek orthodox writings on it.
I dont think that masterbating is like food. I was trying to get across that masterbating might just be as much as a need to a human being as food would be to a human being. There are rapists in this world. People that "need" to masterbate to something or they would be destructive.
We, as sinfull human beings should take responsibility for our culture and learn from our poor examples. But no-one can stop sex appeal, unless of course swearing a vow of chasity. But whos to stop even the slightest bit of thought of sin? If you see a lady on the street and she is labeled as attractive, then isnt that thought a sin?
What I'm wondering is if you would confess your masterbating to a Priest at confession?
"like food to some"
If masturbation is like food to a person, it is an addiction. Addictions are like Idols and thus in a sense, against the ten commandments.
"healthy alternative to rape"
Jesus doesnt call us to cover-up our sins and disorders with smaller ones. "The road to hell is paved with good intentions". Its also worthy to note that masturbation in relation to sexual desire is only a "quick-fix" and in the long run, leaves you even more hungry then before.
Jesus says "If your hand causes you sin, cut it off. And if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out." We are called to cut sin our of our lives where we find it. Not feed it.
Leaving something like this behind is quite hard. I know from experance! It hurts. Sometimes you mess up. The devil will attack when your most vulnarable. But Jesus is with me:) None of this can be done without prayer.
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