Fic: Morpheus Falters. PG-13

Jun 11, 2011 12:25

TITLE: Morpheus Falters
AUTHOR: Ashley-Pitt
FANDOM: Master and Commander
PAIRINGS: Jack Aubrey, Stephen Maturin
CHALLENGE: slashthedrabble #295--Wake
DISCLAIMER: I do not own these characters nor am I making nay money from them. I borrow them once in awhile, but put them away tidily.

It was very late in the evening watch and Stephen once again could not sleep.

He came up on deck and moved aft to gaze upon the wake of the Surprise.

The trailing phosphorescence was soothing and most of the time caused Morpheus to visit him.

Tonight the god of dreams was curiously absent.

The seas were calm and the wind blew lightly but steadily from abeam. The ship surged on with little or no tending by her crew.

Stephen knew one more way to entice sleep.

He made his way down to the captain’s cabin.

As he had a berth in one of the side rooms, he did not knock but moved through the doorway into the cabin.

He could hear Jack snoring loudly in his cot.

He stood for a time just watching over him.

Jack slept deeply and soundly. But Stephen knew that he would awaken at the slightest change in the ships course or in the wind.

Stephen reached out and touched Jack’s arm.

He woke with a start and said, “Brother, what is wrong?”

“I can not sleep, joy. May I rest with you?”

“Of course.”

Stephen climbed into the spare space in which Jack himself could barely fit.

But Stephen, who was as thin as a backstay when he stood sideways, fit quite comfortably on his side nestled next to Jack.

“Are you certain?”

“I am.”

Stephen rested his head on Jack’s shoulder. His right hand began to make slow gentle circles on Jack’s bare belly

Stephen let out a small sigh as sleep slowly overtook him.

Jack gathered Stephen’s now still hand into his and intertwined their fingers.

He pressed Stephen’s hand to his mouth and gently kissed it.

Then in the way only Jack could, he went suddenly and deeply to sleep.

fanfiction, drabble, author/artist: a, rating: pg-13

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