Wishing/Joining perfect_tales: CLOSED

Apr 06, 2008 21:52

Wishing/Joining Period: April 7-20, 2008.
Please read the Need-To-Knows and the List of Tales before you proceed.
    Joining Reminders
  • ALL authors and artists who wish to be Godmothers SHOULD fill out the join form. I’ll need your identities/email addresses to assign the codenames you’ll use for claiming.
  • Wishers don’t have to be Godmothers.
  • You should be at least 14 years old to be able to join.
    Wishing Reminders:
  • Each person is allowed a maximum of five (5) wishes.
  • For each wish, a person can ask for AT LEAST one tale. (That means you can have combinations of fairy tales in one wish.)
  • A person can wish for other characters/pairings to be included, but, of course, the main characters/pairing should be Tezuka and Fuji.
  • One can ask for any genre and any rating from G to R.
  • Those who wish do not have to be Godmothers.
  • The Wishers don’t have to be anonymous.
  • The settings of your Wishes may or may not be confined within the setting of the fairy tale. (You can ask for modern setting, canon setting *headache*, etc.)
  • Fill out the email address. It’s essential for relaying information.
  • You can always come back to add new wishes (as long as it's well within the Wishing Period and you have at most five). Just reply to your initial post to do that.
The join form should look like this:
Wisher/Godmother? possible answers are Wisher only, Godmother only or Both
Email add: so I can relay information…
1. Fairytale: (this can be one or more fairy tale)
Wish: (what, who, where, when… whatever you Wish to see in this particular art/fic, possible scenarios, etc)
Squicks: (things that you don't want to see in this particular wish)

If you have questions, just ask or if you’re really shy, you can reach me at vierblith.kunisuke@hotmail.com.


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