Title: The Fox (A Fairy Tale)
Godmother: [seven dwarves]
vacivityFairy Tale: The Golden Bird
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Tezuka/Fuji (of sorts) with an assortment of side characters
Rating: PG
Warning(s): none, really
Summary: To save Yuuta's life, Syuusuke must find the same Golden Bird that his brother abandoned him to pursue. But the quest is far
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Comments 3
*flails some more*
...and I mean, I practically flailed before I got control over my hands to type this comment. and I still want to squee now >.< *squees*
I'm sorry but I'm totally incoherent at the moment. that was just beautiful! and the last 4 lines KILLS!! *dies*
I loved the plot, the atmosphere, and the style. <333
Honestly, I know not of "The Golden Bird" >.> *will try to google it after this* but I still enjoy this fic so very much! thanks so much for writing this, and whoever you are, I shall proclaim my love for your writing <333
Who are you, oh anonymous writer? I really can't wait to find out!
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