Title: The Lone Samurai
Godmother: [Magic Lamp]
chibikaoruchanFairy Tale: The Little Match Girl
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Tezuka/Fuji, slight Oshitari/Atobe, with little appearances of other characters.
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Lots of angst. Character’s death(s). Little bits of tragedy and violence in the prologue, but it shouldn’t be too traumatizing as I tried to keep them at minimum. But in the original tale, it has kind of a happy ending, so worry not. Also, some hyperlinks you can click for explanations if you wish, but they are not essential in the story itself, actually.
Summary: “To protect” is not an easy thing to do. Tezuka had learned about it the hard way.
Disclaimer: Any recognizable characters and settings aren’t mine. Any flaws and inaccuracies in historical events, cultures and such, however, are all mine. If you would, disregard those errors, thank you.
A/N: I’m taking too much liberty in interpreting and re-setting this tale, which ended up with Tezuka as a
Shinsengumi member since the idea of Samurai!Tezuka was just too tempting. Things happening in this fic are made up by me with some base on historical facts. Do pardon my imaginations, and I hope this would be enjoyable. (Please leave a comment and tell me what you think of this, and then you can kill me after the reveal...)
Special thanks to my first readers, A and Y. And a lot of thanks to my dearest beta, K, you’re a savior.
P.S: I know not of Fuji’s father’s name, so I made it up. Oh, and feel free imagining Tezuka’s glasses. I don’t think they have oval-shaped, rimless glasses at that era.
Oh, and filling your playlist with angsty/melancholic songs might help the atmosphere while reading this :)
Chibikaoruchan, your wish is our command mod: The post is too large so the link will direct you to a different site. But please leave your comments here. :D