Happy freaking day!!

Jul 07, 2005 22:45

Okay too bad my week has been off the chain! =]

First of all I just have to give a shoutout to one of my best girls ever in this world!! .... HAPPY BIRTHDAY JEANNETTE!!!!

Okay and for my week so far ....

I got a new laptop, it's beautiful, I customized it and I get it delivered in 10 days! I can't wait.

Practice has been pretty good, today we ( Read more... )

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Comments 10

urbz_ma July 8 2005, 05:40:26 UTC
aww sukz bout ya knee...damn man up here in philly bakers closed down.. me nd my cousin are upset..lol..aww glad bout u nd oscar..nd i kno rite!! tht terrorist attack was crazy!!


perfect_touch July 8 2005, 19:57:26 UTC
I know, I'm a loser for playin hard soccer but I'm all better now, I just have to ice down my knee you know. Suckz about Bakers closing down. I <33 that store lol. But anyways thanks for the comment mama =]

Terrorist Suck. lol


matchstick22 July 8 2005, 12:41:08 UTC
congrats on the job at bakers!


perfect_touch July 8 2005, 19:58:38 UTC
Thanks my love! I <33 you.


dessert_beauty July 8 2005, 15:24:16 UTC
hey my love long time no see or talk. I have disappeard from cross country.
I haven't been able to go because I started working early in the morning until I get the job I want at dadeland! So hey hey we might be working togetherr lol. Well I'm glad that everything is going good for you remember my birthday is coming uppp !! <33


perfect_touch July 8 2005, 20:02:40 UTC
I know my love I miss you bro!! What job is it that you want to get in Dadeland? Hopefully we see each other lol. Thanks my love, I know your bday is coming up soon! You gotta let me know the 411! Love ya! <333


misz_nana July 8 2005, 18:22:47 UTC
awww.. congrats on you new job at bakers.. i hope it goes really good for you.. you're lucky you got a laptop =].. i miss you!! i want to chill with you and oscar and hazel!! mwahz i love you!! xoxo


perfect_touch July 8 2005, 20:05:03 UTC
Thanks my love! I hope my job does go good, it went pretty good today soo yeah. I miss you too bro! We have to hangout sometime! I love you very much! <3333


t0xic_star July 8 2005, 22:50:13 UTC
i've been dieing for a laptop.. not fair =( haha jk thats awsome!!! i wanna see your pic!!! so hurry hurry lol i found out about your job today, mikey told me in class, i was like aww how exciting! *congrats. and im soo glad you and oscar are doing good <33 i forgot who i told the other day but i was lile jenny and oscar are the cutest couple. haha how gay! k enough.. luv ya girly! muuah* KIT xoxo


perfect_touch July 8 2005, 23:16:47 UTC
lol your too funny ashley. thanks I'm excited for the job too lol. your so gay about me and oscar lol but we love you!! love ya very much!! xoxo <333


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