Rant time.
Many of you have already figured out this fact but: life is cruel. Actually, in a metaphorical way. Obviously. It can't be physically cruel. Now, don't get me confused with some angsty teen that's depressed and wants to kill themselves, though I did threaten the world with the possibility of suicide. Not that I'd have the guts to go through with it anyway. See, the problem is. Yes, here's the angst: I'm sick of the immaturity in the world. I've told my mom this thousands of times and she's done her best to comfort me. But, seriously, if only there was a place in the world where people would be mature about things. People in my school are absolutely horrible. And, I'm not just saying that. They really are. Seriously. But, sadly, according to an online quiz, which for me are right 99.23% of the time, I have the maturity level of a 40-60. So, until that time, I'm going to be out of luck. Oh, yes, and my maturity is giving off the wrong impression. Behold:
regine stop being a fucking bitch
"u seriously think ur more mature? god u really r stuck up... people who dont even know u think u r!! throwing carrots at people across a fucking hallway is mature! and u have a really really bad sense of humor u dont even know wut a cankle is, uve never heard the cankle song and u need 2 just shut up bc u have no fucking idea wut ur talking about. ur prude and thats really mature"
...I do know what a cankle is. And... why bring the fact I'm prude in this discussion? But, I don't feel she has the right to call me prude when she's a whore (she has a new boyfriend every week). Just visit her Xanga to see for yourself. I'm just being honest, too. So, :/ yeah.
http://www.xanga.com/home.aspx?user=kIsStHeStArRrZzZ And, also, happen to take a glance at everything she posts. Now, I don't have the right to comment about how pointless the posts are considering a person's Xanga can be about anything, but I'll let you do the thinking.
There. But, I still don't feel any better.