hi my name is kasey ! i really like your layout on livejournal (includeing your background and icon and stuff). can you please get me a livejournal code and help me find kool backgrounds and icons. i have the overrides and stuff but i dont know how to put backgrounds on. please comment back to this comment and ill give you my screen name and stuff if your willing to help me get a livejournal. thanks !
kasey . . . kuz i`m feeln` nervous * tryn` to be so prefect kuz I know you`re worth it. . . yeah - you`re worth it babe
Comments 4
-Courtney Lynn
. . . kuz i`m feeln` nervous * tryn` to be so prefect kuz I know you`re worth it. . . yeah - you`re worth it babe
IM me weneverrrr :D
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