Whitneys over. ASDFKLASDFJ
Broccoli on the thingie that brings the groceries to you
Whitneys broken heart. uber emo.
My fat ass looks uber emo in those glasses omgzzzzz
Whitneys hot body pressed against a grill.
Whitney and Ronald making out passoinatly. OMGZZZ
Whitney licking some idiot
Brandon holding nsync fruit snacks
Whitney looking hawt with the scuba diver
Hitting the products with a dowel. Like a picket fence getting rabies.
Sunday (stone mt)
We went to this Dipn dots place, but didn't know what we wanted so we caused a big todo and ran off. Then we came back but concealed our identites. Heres Whitney's mask, but you can't see the face. :(
We found this random hat in the car so Whitney decided to look sexxxie but I made her laugh.
Safari Jack, he has 135 knives.
Whitney licking Julie.
Julie playing the guitar. Wow what an awesome musician.