Extra Fifthly

Sep 04, 2007 15:29

Title(s): Fame < Infamy
Author: julia_dreamer
Fandom(s): Naruto
Pairing(s): Sannincest FLUFF.
Length: 212
Summary: "'The kid was alright but it went to his head...'"
Note: For semchance mostly. Inspired by Fallout Boy. No, I won't explain.
Disclaimer: I don’t own it. I don’t really want to think about what would happen if I did.
Feedback: Always appreciated.

When I'm home alone I just can't stop myself
And you pull my head so close volume goes with the truth
Signing off, 'I'm all right in bed but I'm better with a pen'
The kid was all right but it went to his head

Jiraiya and Tsunade are arguing again but Orochimaru ignores it because they're always arguing and it's simply easier to be silent. Of course, she notices that he's not paying attention and halts the feud, hurrying to catch up with him to try and start a conversation about the jutsu they had just learned. By the time they reach the Village, Jiraiya is hanging on his neck, taunting him about his "underdeveloped tomboy freak of a girlfriend," and Orochimaru can feel his cheeks heating up even though he knows the other boy only says those things because he's jealous. Tsunade looks like she's about to kick Jiraiya into next week but - after a moment of agonizing indecision - Orochimaru hesitantly takes her hand and, almost as an afterthought, Jiraiya's as well. They both stop glaring at each other to blink at him, but he remains silent and expressionless as always.

The moment is broken when Sensei asks if they'd like to be treated to ramen for dinner, and Jiraiya starts up again, pulling them all behind him. Tsunade sees the realization in Orochimaru's eyes and wants to ask, but doesn't.

He's seeing them, and their future, and everything they could be - together, and apart. And he knows how it will go.

[A/N] There was less but I fixed it. I was going to write NaruHina only then my brain EXPLODED because of the objection.
Sem, I might be able to explain the song thing to you. But only on chat. >.o;;;

pairing:sannincest, naruto

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